
Turkana County Introduces Elevated Hand Pump Technology for Rural Water Supply

TURKANA COUNTY, Kenya — Rural communities in Turkana County are poised to experience a significant improvement in water accessibility thanks to a new elevated hand pump technology introduced through a collaboration between the local government and the Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA). This initiative aims to provide residents with easier access to clean and safe water directly from boreholes.

According to Kenya News Agency, JICA’s team leader in Turkana, the innovative technology modifies existing hand pumps by elevating them three to four meters above the ground and incorporating a reservoir tank. This setup allows water to be distributed to households and communal points through gravity-fed pipelines, eliminating the need for electric power or solar energy to drive water pumps.

Before the introduction of this technology, the delivery of piped water in rural areas was largely dependent on boreholes powered by solar or electrical systems. The elevated hand pump is seen as a cost-effective solution that circumvents the limitations associated with these power sources.

The County’s Director of Water Services, Paul Lotum, highlighted the benefits of this low-cost method in upgrading hand pump-equipped boreholes. He appealed to the communities benefiting from the technology to maintain the infrastructure properly and prevent any potential misuse or vandalism.

Residents, including Jacob Bobei from Nakitoeakwaan village, have already reported significant improvements in water quality and accessibility. The technology has eliminated the need for residents and their livestock to compete for water at communal pumps. Now, water can be conveniently accessed through taps located near their homes, enhancing both human and animal welfare.

The introduction of the elevated hand pump technology not only reduces the physical strain associated with water collection but also allows boreholes to recharge more effectively, thereby increasing the overall water yield and ensuring sustainable water supply for the Turkana County communities.

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