Statement by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs regarding the Turkish Ministry of Foreign Affairs’ press release on the anniversary of the Pontic genocide (19.05.2021)


It is with particular disappointment that we note the attempt to distort the historical truth being repeated once again through a press release by the Turkish Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

Lies, falsification of history and the use of inflammatory rhetoric are not in line with the promotion of good neighbourly relations by a country that aspires to become a member of the European family.

The sober acknowledgement of the facts by every country, in this case by Turkey, is a necessary step and a guarantee of the commitment that terrible events such as the genocide of the Pontic Greeks shall not be repeated.

Self-criticism, apologizing to the victims’ relatives and abandoning revisionism are signs of strength, not weakness. They are prerequisites for a dialogue in good faith, on the basis of International Law, and for the fight against the extremities of nationalism. They are prerequisites for the healing of the wounds of the past and for the reconciliation of peoples and states, in order to consolidate their peaceful coexistence.