Samburu County: Drought Early Warning Bulletin for May 2021


Drought Situation & EW Phase Classification
Biophysical Indicators
• The March to May 2021 season was characterized by showers that were significantly below the long-term average throughout March and April except for the first and second dekad of May 2021. Forage and water resources were generally below the average.
Socio Economic Indicators Details
• Livestock body varied from good to fair however other especially in Samburu central had fair to poor body condition. Cattle body condition ranged from moderate neither fat or thin to Thin fore ribs visible. Goats, sheep and camel body condition was characterized by good smooth appearance to fair body condition. Household and livestock distances were within the long-term average.
• Selling prices for sampled livestock species were above long-term average across the livelihood zones.
• Current milk production at the household level was below the 2018 – 2020 average.
• Maize/Posho prices have retained a stable trend since the beginning of the year.
• The prevalence of moderately malnourished children under five years was 26.8 percent compared to 25.9 percent reported in the month of May as per the sampled sites data.

Source: Government of Kenya


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