Narok County Benefits from Job Creation in Leather Industry Expansion

Narok – The Kenyan government has unveiled a significant initiative to foster job growth within the leather industry in Narok County, located in the country’s south rift area. This initiative is expected to generate both direct and indirect employment opportunities for locals.

According to Kenya News Agency, Arid and Semi-Arid Lands and Regional Development, Peninnah Malonza, during an announcement at the Ewaso Ngiro tannery in Narok South sub-county, the industry has transitioned from discarding animal skins and hides as waste to utilizing them in a manner that has now created over 500 direct jobs and another 5,000 indirectly. Malonza emphasized the vital role of leather products in the national economy and outlined plans to further expand the tannery factory. The expansion aims to produce footwear for security personnel and school children, significantly reducing the need for imported leather goods.

Moreover, Malonza highlighted the factory’s potential to alleviate the burden on businesswomen who deal in leather products, sparing them the necessity of travelling extensive distances to procure treated leather. Emily Osono, a local entrepreneur specializing in beads and leather crafts in Narok town, praised the establishment of the tannery factory, noting its positive impact on their productivity and the enhancement of their bead projects among the Ushanga women. Osono recounted the previous challenges faced by the women, who had to journey to Nairobi City for treated leather, and described the factory’s establishment as a considerable relief.

The tannery project, launched in 2014 by the national government, has notably increased the production of skin products from various livestock, including goats, sheep, cows, and camels, thereby invigorating the leather industry in the region.

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