

The Portfolio Committee on Sports, Arts and Culture heard on Tuesday that there are no indications that steps to strip South Africa’s national rugby and cricket teams of the national flag and anthem at international events will be implemented.

The media reported last week that South Africa’s national teams might be forced to participate in international events without flying the national flag or singing the national anthem, as the World Anti-Doping Association (WADA) is contemplating suspending South Africa due to non-compliance with international anti-doping legislation to which South Africa is a signatory. WADA regularly reviews member states’ compliance with international anti-doping measures.

The Minister of Sports, Arts and Culture, Mr Zizi Kodwa, told the committee that there is no reason to panic, as he has sought a meeting with the President of WADA, Mr Witold Banka, with the intention of explaining South Africa’s position on anti-doping and its legislative processes, which require longer than a

‘On Friday, all our teams will continue to fly our flag. We have about 21 days to file an appeal or dispute, which will suspend the consequences of their decision on non-compliance. Friday will be the last day for the appeal to be launched. There are a number of inconsistencies in terms of WADA’s declaration,’ the Minister explained.

Mr Kodwa explained that the non-compliant provisions in the South African Institute for Drug-Free Sport Act had to do with definitions. ‘The code, which was promulgated late – after the Act was passed – introduced new definitions. A draft Bill that will encompass those definitions has since been submitted to WADA and was accepted with amendments. Following this, the Bill was presented to Cabinet and was approved. The Bill is with the State Law Advisor to ensure that it is not in contravention with the principal law and the Constitution,’ added Minister Kodwa.

Mr Kodwa outlined the steps taken by the department since WADA announced that South Africa was not compliant wit
h the Act. South Africa’s commitment to anti-doping in sports is beyond question and leads the continent on the issue, the Minister claimed.

The Chairperson of the portfolio committee, Ms Beauty Dlulane, said South Africa is doing well on addressing doping issues and hence reports to the contrary are concerning. Other committee members were unhappy they had heard about the issue through the media and asked for timeframes for the legislative process required, as well as further details on the basis for the appeal to WADA’s ruling.

Committee member Mr Tshepo Mhlongo asked if the committee will get the information on the results of the appeal timeously. ‘We must not allow for our teams to go to finals without their national anthems due to incompetence of government, especially when the issue was raised in 2021,’ he said. Minister Kodwa replied that in due course he will institute an investigation into how this happened.

Source: Parliament of South Africa

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