
Prosperity Party Demonstrates Commitment with Major Development Initiatives in Addis Ababa

Addis Ababa – The Prosperity Party (PP), under the leadership of Vice President Adem Frah, showcased its achievements in advancing Ethiopia’s development agenda during a recent forum in Addis Ababa. Held at the Adwa Victory Memorial, the event emphasized the party’s progress in implementing significant national projects under the theme: ‘Putting Words into Action for the Ethiopian Prosperity’.

According to Ethiopian News Agency, the PP has made considerable strides in fulfilling its pledges to the electorate, particularly through the execution of large-scale projects aimed at transforming the capital into a modern and comfortable city. He cited the Homegrown Economic Reform Program as a catalyst for Ethiopia’s comprehensive development, highlighting the capital’s urban and infrastructure advancements as key indicators of the party’s success.

During the forum, Adem outlined the extensive development efforts underway in Addis Ababa, portraying them as central to the party’s commitment to national progress and a testament to the government’s ability to translate promises into tangible results. He emphasized the importance of these initiatives in bolstering the city’s and, by extension, the country’s economic and social fabric.

Further remarks from the Mayor of Addis Ababa, Adanech Abiebie, complemented Adem’s message. She noted the international recognition of the city’s development projects, attributing this success to the Prosperity Party’s resolve and adherence to its principles despite facing significant challenges. Adanech highlighted the transformative impact of the infrastructure projects on Addis Ababa’s landscape and the overall prosperity of its residents.

Both leaders affirmed the party’s dedication to addressing public concerns and maintaining a dialogue with citizens, reinforcing the commitment to internal unity and the broader objective of national development. The forum served not only as a progress report but also as a reaffirmation of the Prosperity Party’s vision for Ethiopia’s future.

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