National Human Rights Commission Engages with Balé Populations to Enhance Visibility and Understanding

BOROMO — On Tuesday, March 19, 2024, the National Human Rights Commission (CNDH) conducted a crucial meeting in Boromo to elucidate its roles and responsibilities, particularly highlighting the activities of its Hauts Bassins regional branch, to both local authorities and civil society representatives.

According to Burkina Information Agency, the CNDH, an autonomous national entity established in 2001 dedicated to the advancement, protection, and advocacy of human rights in Burkina Faso, has faced challenges in achieving widespread recognition among the populace. This obscurity extends to the Hauts Bassins branch, operational since 2021 but still not well-known in the communities it aims to assist.

To address this gap, CNDH leadership initiated an outreach tour spanning March 19 to 29, 2024, across various regions including Boucle du Mouhoun, Hauts Bassins, Cascades, and Sud-Ouest. The objective is to disseminate information about the CNDH’s mandate and the specific missions of the Hauts Bassins branch to relevant regional stakeholders.

During the Boromo session, attendees were briefed through three detailed presentations covering the commission’s mandate, complaint processes, and the National Mechanism for the Prevention of Torture. These presentations were delivered by key CNDH personnel including Secretary General Paul KABRE, Complaints Department Head Germaine KIEMA, and Olivier KABRE, the Head of the Western Regional Branch Service.

The dialogue proved to be an enlightening experience for all participants, who engaged actively with the CNDH representatives, reflecting their appreciation for the commission’s effort to demystify its functions and services. Zakaria GUIRA, President of the Balé Provincial Youth Council, remarked on the necessity of openly addressing human rights amidst the country’s ongoing security issues, praising the CNDH’s commitment to community engagement and responsiveness.

Paul KABRE, reflecting on the mission’s success, emphasized the participants’ enthusiasm and the productive discourse, urging them to become information conduits within their communities. High Commissioner Ibrahim Boly also commended the initiative, recognizing it as a pivotal step in fostering a closer connection between the CNDH and the citizens it serves, underscoring the mission’s significance in bolstering human rights advocacy at the local level.

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