DRC President Calls for National Mobilization Against Eastern Conflict

KINSHASA – President Félix Tshisekedi of the Democratic Republic of Congo has issued a call for general mobilization to confront and resolve the persistent conflict in the country’s eastern regions.

According to Burkina Information Agency, Patrick Muyaya, the president’s appeal emphasizes the need for national unity and government diligence to secure peace and facilitate economic development.

During a recent statement, as reported by The Objective, Muyaya relayed President Tshisekedi’s message, urging collective efforts to combat the threats undermining national peace and security. The call aligns with discussions from the Southern African Development Community (SADC) troika summit, which addressed the ongoing military operations in North Kivu, where SADC and Congolese forces are actively engaged.

The conflict in North Kivu, notably involving the March 23 Movement (M23) and its recent advances, has exacerbated regional tensions and inflicted significant civilian casualties. The United Nations, through representatives like Bintou Keita of MONUSCO, has advocated for the withdrawal of foreign military presences, highlighting the urgent need for a focused and unified response to the crisis.

The DRC’s security challenges have been further complicated by the withdrawal of the East African Community’s military contingent and subsequent M23 gains near pivotal locations such as Sake and Goma. The SADC’s troop deployment marks a critical phase in international support for the DRC’s counteroffensive efforts.

Simultaneously, the planned phase-out of MONUSCO’s presence, with a significant force previously stationed across conflict-prone provinces, signals a pivotal transition in peacekeeping responsibilities. This development occurs amidst deteriorating relations between the DRC and Rwanda, with mutual accusations linked to the M23’s resurgence and activities near Goma.

The mobilization initiative underscores a strategic pivot for the DRC, seeking to consolidate national and regional resources against a backdrop of intricate geopolitical and security challenges, aiming to restore stability and foster long-term peace in the east.

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