Ziniaré Regional Hospital Center: Effective hospital pharmacy in pediatrics and medical-surgical emergencies

Nominative individual dispensing (DIN), one of the components of hospital pharmacy is effective in two departments of the Ziniaré Regional Hospital Center noted on Thursday August 24, 2023 , the AIB. These are pediatrics and medico-surgical emergencies.

On Thursday, August 24, 2023, the women and men of the media carried out a field trip to observe the implementation of hospital pharmacy within the Regional Hospital Center of Ziniaré.

They noted that the nominative individual dispensation (DIN) which is a component of the hospital pharmacy is effective in the departments of pediatrics and medico-surgical emergencies.

According to the head of the unit of pharmaceutical dispensing and health vigilance of the CHR of Ziniaré, the pharmacist Bénéwendé Luc Henri Tapsoba, at the level of pediatrics, they apply the dispensation in global delivery (DDG) and the dispensation in individual delivery (DDI ). At the level of medico-surgical emergencies, it is only the dispensation in global delivery (DDG).

Pharmacist Bénéwendé Luc Henri Tapsoba justified the choice of pediatric and medical emergency services to start the implementation of the DIN. “These are services that are very popular. And these are services that also consume a lot of resources in terms of drugs and medical-technical consumables,” he said.

The hospital practitioner in the medical emergencies of the CHR of Ziniaré, Dr Luc Zangré underlined the procedure of implementation of the DIN in his service. “In the emergency room, we urgently need products to administer to our patients whom we receive under emergency conditions. Thanks to the DIN, we administer the necessary therapeutic care more quickly and efficiently.”

The women and men of the media spoke with Zakaria Kima who arrived from Zorgho on Thursday morning with a patient suffering from Tuberculosis.

“When we arrived, we were quickly consulted and the patient is currently being well taken care of. The fact of buying the products within the hospital allowed me to have very quickly the drugs for the administration of the care to the patient. I had all the products inside here, ”rejoiced Zakaria Kima.

In the opinion of the pharmacist Bénéwendé Luc Henri Tapsoba, the DIN is highly appreciated by health workers and patients who are hospitalized in the sense that it allows patients who are admitted to the Ziniaré CHR to be taken care of very quickly. . It also makes it possible “to facilitate the rational use of drugs and to reduce the cost of treatment compared to patients who are hospitalized”, he assured.

Dr Tapsoba argued that the DIN also allows patients to no longer travel great distances to access the drugs that are now within their reach within the wards.

At the Ziniaré CHR, the major difficulty in the implementation of hospital pharmacy and its DIN component is the lack of personnel, whether at the pharmacy level or at the level of the care units, specifies the Head of the Pharmaceutical Dispensing and Health Vigilance Unit. Luc Henri Tapsoba therefore pleads for the reinforcement of the staff in order to extend the DIN to the other departments of the hospital.

The hospital pharmacy is a pharmacy for internal use (PUI) which is exercised within a public or private hospital care establishment for the benefit of the patients who are hospitalized there and followed on an outpatient basis.

The DIN is a pharmaceutical act consisting of the analysis of an individual medical prescription and the delivery of individual doses of drugs and other health products in nominative devices ready to be administered to hospitalized patients and/or monitored on an outpatient basis by the teams. caregivers.

After the CHR of Ziniaré, the women and men of the media continued their journey of observing the implementation of hospital pharmacy respectively at the Pediatric University Hospital Center Charles de Gaulles and at the Bogodogo University Hospital Center (both in Ouagadougou).

Source: Burkina Information Agency

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