WHO’s Monthly Operational Update on COVID-19 – Issue 05 | September 2022


In this edition of the COVID-19 Monthly Operational Update, highlights of country-level actions and WHO support to countries include:
• Reflecting on the implementation of genomic surveillance for COVID-19 and beyond in the African Region
• Armenia enhances data-driven decision-making for better health care and efficient response to health emergencies, including COVID-19
• Revisiting national pandemic preparedness planning for influenza and respiratory pathogens in light of the response to COVID-19: Experience from the Islamic Republic of Iran
• The Plurinational State of Bolivia enhances its COVID-19 epidemiological surveillance through the inauguration of COVID-19 situation rooms
• WHO supports Mental Health and Psychosocial Support (MHPSS) activities in Mali to address the needs of vulnerable populations affected by COVID-19 and gender-based violence
• Parliamentarians confirm resilient health systems and preparedness for future emergencies are critical to health security in Asia and the Pacific
• WHO and the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) jointly expand multi-country work on public health emergency management in the WHO European Region
• WHO/PAHO supports Panama with cold chain equipment to take vaccines to the farthest corners of the region
• India’s Uttar Pradesh State administers over 1.6 million COVID-19 vaccine booster doses in a single day
• WHO and the World Bank formally establish the Financial Intermediary Fund (FIF) for Pandemic Prevention, Preparedness, and Response
• Strengthening preparedness for respiratory pathogen pandemics
• INITIATE2 — an international partnership to design the future of pandemic emergency response
• OpenWHO celebrates 7 million enrollments, showing the need for knowledge on COVID-19 and public health
• WHO’s COVID-19 Response Funding in 2022: Delivering science, solutions and solidarity to end the acute phase of the pandemic
• Updated WHO guidance and publications

Source: World Health Organization


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