WFP Republic of Congo Country Brief, August 2022


In Numbers

237.2 mt of food distributed

USD 27,110 cash-based transfers

USD 5 million six-month (September 2022 – February 2023) net funding requirements

29,046 people assisted

Operational Updates

Strategic Outcome 1: Food-insecure people affected by shocks have access to adequate food all year round

• WFP delivers food assistance through in-kind food and cash-based transfers (CBT) in the Likouala and Plateaux Departments. In August, 8,876 Central African Republic refugees living in the Enyellé district (Likouala Department) received in-kind food assistance.

• Hundred refugees participated in the food for assets (FFA) agricultural project in Impfondo (Likouala Department), growing and harvesting peanuts, rice, and beans.

• As part of the treatment and prevention of moderate acute malnutrition (MAM), WFP assisted 11,091 children aged 6 to 59 months and pregnant and lactating women (PLW) in the Brazzaville, Likouala and Pool Departments.

• To strengthen the capacity of health centres in Mayama, Kimba and Vindza (Pool Department), WFP trained 16 staff in MAM screening and care for children and PLW, and in health data management.

• In the Pool Department, 425 vulnerable people benefited from CBT assistance in return for their work on the rehabilitation of a new road between Ngamadzambala, Minsamvi and Loukakou.

Strategic Outcome 2: Equitable national social protection interventions effectively target vulnerable populations, including school-aged children with sustained access to safe and nutritious food.

• In August, WFP consolidated its collaboration with the Department of School Feeding (DSF), through weekly meetings to jointly prepare for the new school year starting on the 3 October 2022. This included planning of community sensitisation missions and a 3-day training for DSF to strengthen monitoring and evaluation activities of the school feeding programme, both taking place in September. The joint sensitisation missions will cover five departments of the country and will reach an estimated 140 schools. The missions are designed to strengthen the capacity of local communities in the management and rehabilitation of kitchens and storage of food

Source: World Food Programme


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