WFP South-South Quarterly Newsletter (December 2022)


Quarterly newsletter to keep WFP colleagues at country, regional and global level up to date with latest developments on South-South cooperation

The quarterly newsletter provides WFP colleagues working at the country, regional and global levels with a regular update on South-South cooperation and provides a vehicle to showcase and share South-South project experiences.

The following articles are included in this edition:

The Rome Based Agencies, JICA, and IFNA explore SSTC collaboration on Home Grown School Feeding as Follow-Up to the Global South-South Development Expo

Update: Second PRO-CoE Directors dialogue

Takeaways from the SSTC Corporate Survey and the Informal Update with the Executive Board

SSTC Unit Holds Corporate Results Framework SSTC Indicator Webinar

SSTC News: SSTC Champion Card Series and the South-South Knowledge Platform

WFP’s SSTC Efforts Highlighted in the Secretary-General Report on SSTC and Asian Journal of Peacebuilding

WFP China CoE Jointly Organizes a Seminar on Post-harvest Loss Management for National Food Security

WFP China CoE Jointly Organizes Workshop on Climate Smart Mechanization for Transforming Agriculture

Ghana Co-Organizes a Workshop on Smallholder Market Access in Ghana with WFP China CoE

WFP Centre of Excellence Brazil Conducts Virtual Exchanges on School Feeding Programmes with Portuguese-Speaking Countries

WFP Centre of Excellence Brazil Hosted a Side-Event for 50th Session of the Committee on World Food Security on Virtual Study Visit Support

CERFAM’s Participation at the Global South-South Development Expo 2022 Highlighting Leveraging SSTC to Foster Learning and Knowledge Sharing in Africa

China-Africa Collaboration to Foster Knowledge Sharing and Good Practice Dissemination to Improve Rice Value Chains

Strengthening Cameroon’s Capacity on SSTC Initiatives and Home-Grown School Feeding

Building Sustainable, Resilient and Nutritious Agri-food Systems in Ecuador

Haiti-Benin Exchange of Best Practices in School Feeding

Democratic Republic of Congo Conducted an Exchange Visit to Burundi to Learn about Post-harvest

Management and Commercialization Techniques

Leveraging India’s Expertise in Millet Mainstreaming in Asia and Africa

Cambodian Government Conducts Knowledge Exchange with Thailand to Learn about the School Lunch Programme

WFP India Country Office Held a Workshop on Updating the SSTC Strategy (2019-2023)

SSTC Unit in PRO with RBB Conducted a South-South Review in Timor-Leste

Source World Food Programme