WFP Kenya Country Brief, March 2021


In Numbers

5,094 mt of food commodities distributed

US $ 4.9 m cash-based transfers made

US $ 162 m six months (April-September 2021) net funding requirements

880,845 people assisted in March 2021

Food Security Situation

Food Security Outlook

According to FEWSNET, the onset of the March to May long rains is delayed and below average across the country. Water resources and pasture are almost depleted in the pastoral areas, forcing people to walk longer distances in search of water. The situation in the urban areas remains of concern as poor households face reduced income and purchasing power.

WFP continues to monitor the situation in collaboration with partners and the Government at national and county levels.

Desert Locust Invasion

According to FAO, desert locust swarms were spotted in Nyandarua, Nakuru and Baringo Counties in March 2020.

However, due to delayed onset of the rain, maturation and breeding is limited. The ongoing control operations have resulted in a decline of swarms and it is anticipated that the invasion will be minimal this year compared to last year. WFP has been supporting the locust response by providing logistics services by transporting insecticides to various locations and coordination support at the county level.


On 26 March 2020, the Government of Kenya imposed a cessation of movement and suspension of gatherings and inperson meetings in Nairobi, Kajiado, Kiambu, Machakos and Nakuru Counties to reduce the risk of the spread of the COVID-19 virus. Additionally, all physical learning was suspended across the country. In addition, the Government augmented mass vaccination for the Kenyan population, specifically for frontline workers and vulnerable groups.

WFP continues to support the most affected through its urban response in Nairobi and Mombasa Counties, targeting 378,000 people with cash-based transfers and nutrition support. WFP is developing an urban strategy in order to transition the response into a longer-term support for the urban population WFP is also providing food assistance to people in the isolation centres situated in the refugee camps and settlements.

Source: World Food Programme