Water Shortage Persists in Ijara Despite Residents Appeal


Ijara: Water supply to Masalani town and its environs remains disconnected over the last two weeks, owing to a Sh300,000 pending electricity bill. Consequently, residents are grappling with a severe water shortage, amid fears of possible outbreak of waterborne diseases. Ijara Sub-County Water Coordinator, Eng. Noor Mohamed, is urging the Garissa County Government to expedite payment of the bill, with a view to alleviating further suffering of the people.

According to Kenya News Agency, a spot check revealed that residents are now being forced to buy a 20-litre jerrican of water at Sh50, with those who can’t afford trekking for 3 kilometres to look for the essential commodity at the nearby River Tana. Residents led by the Masalani town watchdog Chairman, Abdullahi Abdi, have appealed to the County Department to ensure their people get clean and safe water.

Government facilities, including the Masalani Sub-county Hospital, County Mixed Secondary School, as well as the Alfurqan Children Orphanage were hardest hit by the prevailing situation. However, an underground water well, previously drilled through a Foundation run by the family of the late Garissa Senator, Mohamed Yussuf Haji, has continued to offer a sigh of relief to a section of residents and the Yussuf Haji Girl’s Secondary School.

Contacted for comment, Kenya Power Company Operations Manager at the Hola Substation, John Hezron, urged the County Government to clear the outstanding bill to enable resumption of services.