Unions in Burkina Faso Criticize Government for “Double Standards” in Freedom of Expression


Ouagadougou – The General Confederation of Labor of Burkina (CGT-B) has publicly criticized what they describe as “double standards” in the application of freedom of expression laws in Burkina Faso, a situation they believe is exacerbating social divides in the country. This criticism came to light in a press conference held in Ouagadougou on Monday, where the organization’s spokesperson, Nicolas Ouédraogo, articulated these concerns.

According to Burkina Information Agency, there are troubling inconsistencies in how freedom of expression is applied across different sections of the Burkinabe society. He pointed out that some citizens are allowed to occupy roundabouts in the commune of Ouagadougou and conduct checks on others without facing any consequences. This situation, he believes, reflects a biased governance that privileges certain groups while ignoring the rights of others.

The CGT-B spokesperson questioned whether these individuals had received authorization from Maurice Konaté, the President of the special delegation (PDS) of Ouagadougou, to occupy these areas. He emphasized that such actions pose a real threat to social cohesion and undermine the authority of the PDS.

Furthermore, Mr. Ouédraogo criticized the special delegation of the municipality of Ouagadougou for its partisan attitude and urged it to adopt an equitable approach in managing the citizens within its jurisdiction. He also expressed concern over the massive requisitions of citizens for the frontline of the anti-terrorist fight following the adoption of a law on general mobilization and warning on April 19, 2023.

According to the CGT-B, the law, which was intended to aid the fight against terrorism, has been misused to suppress dissenting voices in the country. Mr. Ouédraogo called on activists, sympathizers, and all peace-loving citizens of Burkina Faso to organize and resist what he termed as “arbitrariness and all forms of demonstration of injustices.”

In closing, he encouraged the Burkinabè people to remain vigilant and responsive to any calls for action necessitated by the evolving situation in the country.