UNICEF Mozambique Humanitarian Situation Report No. 11: 30 November 2022


• In November 2022, 3,349 children with severe acute malnutrition were admitted for treatment, 10 per cent higher than November 2021.

• UNICEF distributed nutrition commodities to cover three months of treatment for children in all districts of Cabo Delgado, sufficient to treat 1,380 SAM cases

• UNICEF and partners registered 1,393 unaccompanied and separated children reunifying 73 and placing others in familybased care

• UNICEF supported the resilient construction and rehabilitation of 69 classrooms to benefit 8,200 children

• More than 7,000 new displaced persons in Cabo Delgado received hygiene kits and water purification supplies

• UNICEF has prepositioned 55 Acute Watery Diarrhea kits— enough to treat 5,700 cases—in cholera-prone districts

Source UN Children’s Fund

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