Tigania West Families Displaced by Flooding Amidst Heavy Rains

Tigania, Over fifty families in Twarama, Tigania West Sub County, have been rendered homeless as continuous heavy rainfall resulted in the submerging of homes and destruction of property. The local community has been compelled to rely on the generosity of neighbors for shelter, sustenance, and clothing after the floodwaters ravaged their belongings.

According to Kenya News Agency, a resident of the affected area, the floods have not only washed away his five-acre bean crop but have also left his family without shelter, impacting his daughter’s education as her school materials were destroyed in the disaster. Mr. Kaberenge reported extensive damage to community infrastructure, including graves and toilets, and raised concerns about potential disease outbreaks due to the stagnant water. He pointed out that the flooding could be attributed to the obstruction of a tunnel intended to channel rainwater to the Twale River, now blocked by the construction of homes along its path.

Mr. Ezra Gitonga, another affected local, emphasized the necessity of unblocking the tunnel to prevent further flooding and urged both county and national government intervention using the emergency funds established for such crises. Jim Muchui, the area Member of the County Assembly (MCA), warned that the number of victims may rise if the rains persist. He urged a swift and strategic response from leadership and called for the release of emergency funds to support the affected families, highlighting the community’s loss of crops and livestock, which jeopardizes their financial ability to educate their children in the coming year.

Tigania West Deputy County Commissioner (DCC) Ms. Faith Murage acknowledged the severity of the rainfall and its adverse effects on the population. She advised residents to preemptively seek safety and not wait until homes are inundated. Ms. Murage admitted the current inability to redirect the floodwaters and stressed the immediate need to assist those already affected. She noted that the Kenya Red Cross has conducted an initial assessment and gathered data to inform their response.

In response to the crisis, Ms. Murage announced collaborative efforts with the office of MP John Mutunga to secure relief food urgently. Furthermore, she sanctioned the establishment of a joint committee from Akithi and Athwana wards to address the issue of the tunnel blockage after the rain ceases.

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