The Head of State to the Living Forces of the Eastern Region: “Stay engaged, stay mobilized”

The President of the Transition, Head of State, Captain Ibrahim TRAORE discussed this Saturday at the end of the morning, with the Living Forces of the Eastern region, within the framework of the fight against terrorism and for development endogenous to our country.

According to the governor of the region, Colonel Hubert YAMEOGO, by his presence, “the Head of State shows his gratitude to our region, to its resilience”.

Faced with the forces of the Eastern region, the Head of State set out his vision for a Burkina Faso of peace and security and his desire to change the paradigm to put our country on the path to development.

“We do not want to continue doing what we are used to doing and which does not produce”, declared the President of the Transition with the ambition of being able to industrialize our country to initiate the endogenous development of Burkina Faso.

The Eastern region is full of potential in terms of agricultural resources, with in particular tomatoes in the province of Gnagna and sesame in Gayéri in the province of Komandjari. And in his vision that he shared with the Living Forces of the region, the Head of State returned to the need to be able to transform these productions locally to boost the industrial development of our country.

To do this, the President of the Transition announced the development as soon as possible, of projects and programs for the benefit of the Eastern region and Burkina. “We are confident that we don’t necessarily need someone’s help because we can do a lot of things ourselves,” said Captain Ibrahim TRAORE.

Faced with the terrorist hydra which strongly affects the Eastern region, the President of the Transition insisted on the need for the sons and daughters of the East to unite and show solidarity in the face of this scourge. that threatens their region.

“It is time that we prevent the enemy from entering our villages”, launched the Head of State. To this end, he called on the Forces Vives to resist and to organize themselves “to stand up against terrorism”.

Also, he announced ongoing actions including the reorganization of the National Armed Forces, the acquisition of equipment for the benefit of the FDS and the VDP with a view to starting another route in the fight against armed terrorist groups. . “It is when our itinerary does not please the terrorists that we know that we are on the right itinerary”, recalled the President of the Transition.

In this war already underway, President Ibrahim TRAORE invited the populations to remobilize around the FDS and the VDP to defeat the terrorists, because “they cannot defeat this people (…) we do not negotiate and we will not negotiate” .

While welcoming the efforts undertaken by the Transition led by President Ibrahim TRAORE in the dynamics of the reconquest of the territory and the return of peace in our country, the Living Forces of the Eastern region declined to the head of the State some concerns. They are essentially linked to the security situation, infrastructure development, better care for internally displaced persons, health, education and territorial administration in the region.

The Head of State, who took good note of the various concerns, stressed that those which are the most urgent will be resolved as soon as possible.

He explained his gratitude to the people of the East for the renewed support, and stressed the need to cultivate social cohesion and national unity in the face of terrorism. “Stay engaged, stay mobilized,” he said

Source: Burkina Information Agency

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