Sfax: “HELIOS” project on easing socio-economic integration of vulnerable groups closed

A closing ceremony of the “HELIOS” project, which attempts to foster the social and economic integration of vulnerable and marginalized groups, was held on Tuesday in Sfax by the Tunisian Union of Agriculture and fisheries (French: UTAP).

The 3-million dinars project, which lasted for 3 years (from September 2019 to August 2022), brought together 6 countries, namely, Tunisia, Italy, Spain, Palestine, Greece and Jordan. The goal of HELIOS is to offer socio-economic assistance to vulnerable categories, namely the unemployed, uneducated women and young people by teaching them skills that are needed in the labour market.

Head of the projects unit at UTAP Fatma Amdouni pointed out that “HELIOS” project, which targeted over 150 young people in the coastal regions of Sfax, Gabes and Mahdia, offers training in entrepreneurship, communication technologies and digital tools with the blue and circular economy (EBC) as privileged sectors.

Source: Tap News Agency

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