Sanitation Drive Transforms Léo High Court Courtyard.


Léo: The citizen watch of Léo, in the province of Sissili, organized a sanitation session to clean up the courtyard of the High Court (TGI) of the said locality.

According to Burkina Information Agency, the site clean-up operation was supported and encouraged by people of good will on the morning of Saturday, November 2, 2024, in the “city of yams”. This activity initiated by Léo’s citizen watch aims to rid the city’s TGI of waste, garbage, and weeds in order to guarantee a healthy living environment for staff and users.

The young people who were heavily mobilized for the occasion were armed with machetes, rakes, and other accessories to clean up the judicial framework. The first leaders of the citizen watch of Léo expressed their gratitude to all the goodwill for their contributions to the success of the cleaning operation of the court of the TGI of Léo. These kinds of activities, they say, not only help to preserve the service against insecurity but also to improve the working environment to the great ha
ppiness of the staff of the jurisdiction of Léo.