Regional MESRI Branches Aim for Unified Approach in Koudougou

KOUDOUGOU — On June 27, 2024, the regional directorate of higher education, research, and innovation (MESRI) convened an exchange meeting in Koudougou to enhance coordination among its various branches within the Central-West region. The initiative aims to foster a unified approach to improve the synergy of actions across MESRI structures.

According to Burkina Information Agency, the regional director, the meeting was crucial for establishing a framework that facilitates better communication and collaboration among the MESRI branches. The key participants included the regional directorate of environmental and agricultural research at the Saria Center, the Nanoro clinical research unit, and the regional directorate of higher education, research, and innovation (DRESRI) based in Koudougou.

Dr. Koala highlighted that while the DRESRI has achieved an acceptable level of operation since its inception, its role in aiding MESRI structures in the Central-West is not well-recognized by local stakeholders. The consultation was therefore designed to help DRESRI better understand and respond to the support needs of these structures, enhancing its function as a decentralized coordinator and relay for higher education, research, and innovation activities in the region.

The meeting also provided a platform for DRESRI to outline its objectives and ambitions, and to gather feedback on the expectations of the various MESRI structures regarding the support they require.

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