Presidential Community Development Initiative Kickstarts Paving in SOCOGIB City, Ouagadougou

Ouagadougou – A significant step in community development was taken this Saturday in Ouagadougou with the official launch of the paving project in the SOCOGIB city of Wayalghin. This project is part of the Presidential Initiative for Community Development, focusing on district 5 of the commune of Ouagadougou.

According to Burkina Information Agency, the president of the Women’s Association in SOCOGIB city of Walaghin, the association has committed to the President of the Transition, Captain Ibrahim Traore’s call by engaging in training Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs) in manufacturing and installation techniques of paving stones. Additionally, the association has pledged to pave some previously impassable roads, contributing approximately fourteen million (14,000,000) CFA francs, or one hundred thousand (100,000) CFA francs per household.

The general director of municipal technical services, Mr. Arzouma Zombre, detailed the two-stage process of the paving work. The first phase involves earthworks over 900 linear meters with a width of 7 meters, followed by the actual laying of paving stones by trained women and residents of the city.

Mr. Maurice Konate, President of the Special Delegation of Ouagadougou, who officially inaugurated the work, called for each social group’s involvement and support for this initiative. He emphasized the need for massive, constant, and voluntary mobilization to ensure that the outcomes of this communal effort positively impact neighborhoods and enhance the living environment.

The Presidential Initiative for Community Development, approved by the Council of Ministers on August 30, 2023, is overseen by the National Office of Major Projects of the Presidency of Faso. Its executive director, Mr. Sanbé Yannick Somda, described the initiative as a call to action for grassroots populations to address their developmental challenges, such as sanitation, roads, and socio-economic infrastructure. He views these as patriotic projects that encourage Burkinabè to take responsibility for their development.

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