Premier Sihle Zikalala: KwaZulu-Natal Prov Budget Vote 2022

Budget Vote of the office of The Premier delivered by the Honourable Premier Mr Sihle Zikalala Premier of the province of KwaZulu-Natal 05 May 2022

Honourable Speaker;

Honourable Members of the Provincial Legislature

Distinguished Guests;

Ladies and Gentlemen;

Sanibonani! Good Day! Namaste! A Salaam Wailikum!

Approaching the end of three decades of our Freedom

Hon. Speaker, we deliver this Budget Policy Speech for Vote 1, Office of the Premier, to this esteemed house after marking 28 years since South Africa entered democratic rule, and severed ties with the racist apartheid regime, setting our country firmly on the path to true non-racism, non-sexism and an equal and prosperous society. We commemorated Freedom Month under the theme of “Consolidating Our Democratic Gains”, in recognition of the giant steps we have taken, but also the road yet to be travelled. We commit to strive daily to honour the contributions and heroic sacrifices of those who laid the foundation on which we continue to build.

Marking End of the Holy Month of Ramadan

Our Muslim compatriots have marked the end of the Holy Month of Ramadan and the beginning of the new season has particular significance for all the people of KwaZulu-Natal who are beginning a new journey of recovery, restoration and lasting peace in the aftermath of a season of storms, diseases, and floods that devastated the province of KwaZulu-Natal. We say Eid Mubarak to all our fellow citizens of the Islamic Faith.

Celebration of Founder of Ibandla LamaNazaretha

On Monday, 02 May 2022, Ibandla lama Nazaretha commemorated its founder, Inkosi Isaiah Shembe who founded the Church more than a century ago, in 1910. We cherish the rich spiritual heritage of the Shembe Church and take immense pride in it as the people of KwaZulu-Natal and South Africa.

After the devastating floods: Recovery and Resilience

Hon. Members, we stand here still reeling from an extraordinary act of nature that has produced the most catastrophic human tragedy in the history of our province and country. We are still nursing our wounds, recovering from the tragic loss of life and human suffering on a massive scale. The Provincial Government and the people of KwaZulu-Natal pay tribute to South Africans from all walks of life, political parties, civil society, and the international community for standing with our province during South Africa’s worst floods in recent history.

As of today, more than 435 people lost their lives, about 63 people are reported to be still missing, over 6000 people were left homeless, over 630 schools were affected, and over 100 of which were inaccessible. While the floods had a disproportionate and more severe impact on the poorest of the poor in our province, it was indiscriminate – it brought misery to all, black and white, rich and poor, urban and rural, young and old.

Dedicating May Day to Support Flood Victims

We once again convey our deepest sympathies to the families who lost their loved ones and we pray that those who are yet to locate their family members will ultimately find closure as search and rescue efforts continue.

Together with our social partners we have been hard at work healing the wounds and providing support to the bereaved and affected families ensuring that they bury their loved ones with dignity.

Honourable Speaker, we applaud the decision by COSATU to use International Workers’ Day or May Day to contribute towards flood relief efforts in KwaZulu-Natal and donated R500 000, worth of goods to help, the flood victims. Indeed, COSATU has lived up to its founding motto that an “injury to one, is an injury to all”. We have no doubt that as we continue with the rebuilding of KwaZulu-Natal and assisting survivors, many more individuals, businesses, organisations, unions and labour federations will offer a helping hand.

Allow us also to acknowledge among others, the help our province has received from the Motsepe Family Foundation, AVBOB, Gift of the Givers, ABSA, Rivers Church, Hillgrove Hindu Temple, Revival and Mission Centre, the Catholic Church, the Salvation Army and the Covenant Fellowship Church International. We note with gratitude that the Cyril Ramaphosa Foundation also donated R1million to the Solidarity Fund towards flood relief efforts.

Hon Speaker, in the coming days various MECs and departments will expand in detail about specific plans to respond and recover from what is the worst natural disaster in our country’s living memory. Guided by the three-phase intervention approach which was announced by His Excellency President Ramaphosa, the focus will be on:

(i) Continuing with immediate humanitarian relief.

(ii) Recovery, Rehousing people and Restoration of services.

(iii) Rehabilitation and Reconstruction of the province.

We can confirm that commendable work in the execution of all these pillars is forging ahead as you will hear from the presentations from other departments. The Office of The Premier will continue to update the nation and this Legislature on progress being made.

The Zulu Royal Family Remains our Lodestar

Honourable Speaker, while we waded through the valley of sadness in our province, the leadership of His Majesty, King Misuzulu ka Zwelithini continues to comfort and inspire us. There can be no doubt that the sun has risen. Given the magnitude of the flood disaster and the Royal family losing no less than five family members, ISilo decided to postpone His coronation to give full attention to the disaster. Our King did not only console his people in distress but has been leading from the front in mobilising resources to meet the needs of our deprived communities. Sithi Bayede! Wena weNdlovu!

Epoch Changing Developments in our Province

We deliver this address still fully aware of the epoch-changing developments in our province which are the Covid-19 outbreak, the floods, and the passing of His Majesty King Goodwill and Regent Queen Mantfombi Dlamini-Zulu in the same year. In the coming days we will join the Royal Family as we commemorate the passing our Queen Regent. The Provincial Government will support the Royal Family as we remember Her Majesty and pray for the healing of our nation following the pain we are going through as a province. Last year, the province also underwent another baptism of fire when we suffered the July civil unrest. These setbacks must be recorded as defining moments in the history of our province after which KwaZulu-Natal can never remain the same.

We again wish to convey our deepest sympathies to the Royal family on the passing of Princess Thembi Zulu-Ndlovu, sister to the late Umdlokombane, uBhejane uPhuma esiqiwini. Kunina nonke bo Phunga no Mageba nemindeni yonke elahlekelwe, sithi lalani ngenxeba, kwangathi umdali unganibopha amanxeba, aniqinise, aniduduze. Read more [PDF]

Source: Government of South Africa

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