Premier Nomusa Dube-Ncube: Introduction of the new members of the KwaZulu-Natal Provincial Executive Council

Remarks by the Premier of the Province of KwaZulu-Natal Nomusa Dube-Ncube on the occasion of the introduction of the new members of the provincial executive council at Archie Gumede Conference Centre

Members of the Executive

Director General Dr Nonhlanhla Mkhize:

Provincial Police Commissioner General Nhlanhla Mkhwanazi;

Members of the Media

Viewers on different media platforms

The people of this province

Once again, we wish to state from the onset that we are humbled that the African National Congress, as the governing party, has bestowed upon us the privilege to lead the government of the people.

We have convened this media briefing to inform you about changes in the provincial executive council following the swearing in of the Premier yesterday.

The leadership of the ANC in the province and nationally, has emphasized that collectively, we need to strive to make the lives of the people of this province better and the sacrifices of our fallen heroes and heroines worth their while.

Building the economy

We assume our responsibilities fully aware that this country and the province in particular is facing economic challenges.

Judging from all commentary in the public media and in the social media outlets, but more so the suffering and palpable poverty in communities, job creation has to be a matter of concern to each and every South African.

Rebuilding the economy and creating decent jobs in the formal and informal economies is the top priority for KwaZulu-Natal Provincial Government.

A strong focus will be directed into unlocking opportunities available through integrated Government investment, infrastructural development and targeted implementation of radical economic transformation programmes across all corners of the province.

Our first message this morning is that the next few months of the members of the executive council will be characterized by hard work and humble service to the people of this province.

Our second message is that our fate is bound together (elected leaders of society and society at large) and therefore we must work together to unlock the potential of this province.

Importantly, as the new executive council we are all aware that this province is blessed with many capable leaders across all sectors of society who have a vision for a prosperous future. However, what is urgently needed is to choose the right path that will enable all of us to reach our destination.

We are inviting the people of KwaZulu-Natal to walk with us as we embark on this journey of building a stronger KZN.

At this stage, we wish to pause and announce members of the new executive council.

The new MEC for Economic Development, Tourism and Environmental Affairs is Siboniso Duma. He is also the Leader of Government Business

MEC Duma will ensure that as members of the executive council our energies are channelled towards ensuring an equitable distribution of economic opportunities in order to uplift our people who are leaving below the poverty line.

He will lead all efforts aimed at rebuilding the economy following the trail of destruction left behind by COVID-19 and floods that wracked havoc.

Apart from creating much needed job opportunities, there are efforts which the MEC will outline which will assist in stimulating black industrial development, reviving all the decaying rural towns and making them attractive for more investments which will ensure job creation at a local level.

We will convene sessions with key role-players in various economic sectors to formally introduce him. This underlines the importance we attach to the business sector as the driver of economic development in this province.

MEC for Co-operative Governance and Traditional Affairs – Sihle Zikalala

The Department of Co-operative Governance and Traditional Affairs will be under the leadership of Sihle Zikalala, our former Premier.

I recall that few years ago we launched Operation Clean Audit nationally and here in KZN.

During the launch as the provincial government we said all municipalities and provincial departments had to achieve clean audit opinions. Our commitment was informed by the fact that the world is demanding greater transparency both in government and the private sector.

As government we are fully aware that, a clean bill of health not only attracts investors, but it also improves the public image of government.

Importantly, all members of the executive council, Heads of departments, Mayors and municipalities we will provide leadership to ensure adherence to best financial management practices on a daily basis.

In addition, we will strengthen municipalities through the deployment of the finest talent in the province that will assist in delivering services to the voting populace at local level.

We will deploy skilled professionals that will uphold the principles of the Constitution of the Republic. We must all serve the community with humility and a sense of urgency.

We understand that failure to do so will be equal to betraying the very source of our struggle for a free and democratic South Africa.

We will fight and prevent corruption in the Supply Chain Management unit, an area which is too vulnerable to corrupt practices such as bribery and fraud. Measures will be put in place to eradicate practices of suppliers who offer kickback to procurement managers in order to secure contract or secure inside information. In this regard, we call on the private sector to work with government to eradicate bribery and corruption in the tendering system. Our message is that together we must create a good image of this government.

MEC for Health – Nomagugu Simelane

Our MEC for Health is Nomagugu Simelane. As the provincial government we are determined to work towards improving our healthcare system in order to increase life expectancy. The outbreak of COVID-19 was the biggest threat to the health of the people of KwaZulu-Natal.

Notwithstanding these challenges, the ANC once again is deploying the my colleague Nomagugu Simelane to lead a team of healthcare workers who will ensure the continuous provision of healthcare to our people.

The major burden of disease that has reached epidemic proportions involves Diseases of lifestyle—hypertension, cancers, diabetes, etc – Trauma –motor accidents and criminal violence; and Maternal and Child Mortality.

These mean that we need a massive campaign to achieve behavioural change because most of these are easily preventable.

We need to improve waiting times and ensure the construction of health infrastructure to bring health facilities closer to communities.

Thus, must pioneer an integrated health programmes as part of inter-departmental collaboration in the form of Operation Sukuma Sakhe.

Communication between district health offices and municipalities is fundamental for the success of all health programmes.

MEC for Social Development – Nonhlanhla Khoza

At this stage, we must admit that the proliferation of drugs and an increasing number of young drug addicts is a serious threat to social stability. It is often stated that

Crime fuelled by the nature of life that our young people live in and by the nature of the environment within which we conduct our daily activities.

Some of those who get involved in crime are people who never received any sense of love and warmth when they were brought up. They grew up in an environment where there is alcohol abuse, domestic violence and hatred.

MEC for Social Development introduced a number of interventions and there is a need for partnerships. Our children are forced to make the choices earlier on in life, when they are actually very vulnerable.

As a result they turn to alcohol, crime and drug trafficking. These are things that require our society to stand together.

In addition, there is a huge amount of trauma and violence that we expose our children to – especially if you look at the situation where there is no mother or father to provide guidance. It is also wrong to expect miracles from such young people. Importantly, we have to acknowledge that most crime occurs in underdeveloped and poor areas where unemployment is high. These includes poorly serviced neighbourhood without any recreational and other social facilities. It is the high level of hopelessness in such localities that result in high levels of frustration.

The fact is such desperation results in recklessness, criminal and anti-social conduct and loss of respect for life and property.

The MEC and her team will continue to assist vulnerable children such as abused and orphans, youth in distress, homeless children, those from unstable families and those in conflict with the law. We want to create safety nets to save them from joining the pool from which hardened criminals recruit.

Critically, as a nation we need to boldly assert that we are proud of our province and affirm our united front against social ills.

Business leaders, churches, religious bodies and other community organizations must emphasise moral values in support of family teachings and thereby create a network that promotes an environment where human rights are respected.

Compatriots, we want to send a strong message today that the culture of impunity will not be tolerated.

New MEC for Human Settlements and Public Works – Dr Nkululeko Ntuthuko Mahlaba

We congratulate the MEC for Human Settlements and Public Works Dr Nkululeko Ntuthuko Mahlaba for the deployment. The focus will be on speeding up the rollout of temporary residential units and human settlements of victims of floods. To date, more than 1000 TRUs have been constructed.

Contractors are on sites ILembe, Ugu, UMgungundlovu, eThekwini and other affected areas. Consequently, there are families that are being moved from community halls to the TRUs.

We pointed out in the past that in order to speed up the process of the construction of the temporary residential units and homes in acquired land parcels. Despite initial challenges associated with access to suitable land for the construction of temporary residential units and permanent homes, we are making steady progress. The purchase of land, including the one owned by Tongaat Hullet in La Mercy, will help build permanent houses for the displaced communities.

Key major milestone that we have reached is that of finalizing the procurement of service providers to deal with earthworks on all of the identified sites from Ntshongweni to Ntuzuma including Reservoir Hills. As soon as this last phase is completed, we will immediately deploy contractors to kick-start earthworks for construction of roads and provision of bulk infrastructure such as water and sanitation.

The Provincial Government, through the Provincial Treasury allocated R11.3 billion budget towards the rollout of infrastructure development and human settlements projects. We have also taken a deliberate decision to use the construction of houses as a catalyst for local economic development and job creation for local communities.

We have committed to create close to 53 000 housing opportunities throughout the corners of province. Rural housing remains our main focus.

Importantly, the new executive council has an ambitious plan of radically changing apartheid spatial patterns. Through our Social Housing Programme, we want low income households in rural or urban areas to have easy access to economic centres.

We will restore human dignity and ensure stability of our communities who were divided along racial lines.

As the ANC government, we will work with all municipalities will ensure that all new housing projects have social amenities, such as community halls, sports grounds, schools, clinics.

New MEC for Finance – Peggy Neliswa Nkonyeni

The new MEC for Finance is Peggy Neliswa Nkonyeni. The MEC will ensure the allocation of resources to government departments as part of strengthening service delivery.

We have agreed that Treasury must be at the forefront of ensuring the deployment of skilled accountants to departments and municipality to ensure save every rand and cent we have.

This money must be allocated to strengthen service delivery as we rebuild this province following the destruction created by the outbreak of COVID-19.

She will strengthen partnerships with organizations representing the accounting profession such as Accounting Standards Board, South African Institute of Chartered Accountants, Association of Black Accountants of Southern Africa and many more others.

We are emphasizing the importance of accountants in preventing fruitless expenditure and conserving resources. We have to acknowledge that unfortunately we live in a world where resources are limited.

We have also agreed on the need to work together to fight fraud, corruption and financial mismanagement. This is in line with the resolution of the ANC as a governing party.

I often point out that several instances of this scourge have been uncovered because of the work of honest and professional accountants in our government departments.

This in itself underlines the importance of this profession in the pursuit of clean governance and financial management within both government and the private sector. It is through their vigilance and maintenance of professional standards and integrity that we as government are able to allocate resources where they are needed the most.

MEC for Agriculture and Rural Development is Bongi Sithole-Moloi

At this stage I wish to indicate that the MEC for Agriculture and Rural Development is Bongi Sithole-Moloi.

We are confident that the MEC will continue to work with the farming community to ensure that agriculture becomes our solution to both food insecurity and unemployment.

We have also agreed as the new provincial executive council that deracialization and the redistribution of wealth in the agricultural sector will receive priority. This is extremely important considering the fact that this province has a total of 6.5 million hectares of land for farming purposes of which 82% is suitable for extensive livestock production and 18% is arable land.

We must focus on how best to utilise this land to produce vegetables, fruit and meat products for consumption and for exports to other countries. We want you co-operatives to produce agricultural products in order benefit the entire community especially in rural areas.

MEC for Transport, Community Safety and Liaison – Sipho Hlomuka

We wish to introduce the new MEC for Transport, Community Safety and Liaison Sipho Hlomuka. The MEC will interact with law enforcement agencies and senior management in the two departments in order to ensure that law and order is maintained order across the province.

When we all celebrated the dawn of democracy we never imagined that we will one day be subjected to rampant and violent crimes. Crime results in the deprivation of the rights and dignity of citizens and poses a threat to their rightful participation in the reconstruction and redevelopment of this province.

The rights and freedoms, which the constitution entrenches, are threatened every time each citizen becomes a victim of crime. We however need to face the fact that those who perpetrate violence against fellow citizens belong to our communities.

Because crime occurs in our communities it is vital that as the society we must begin to come together to discuss how we can eradicate this scourge from our society. Our eagerness as a nation to emphasise the culture of human rights and higher levels of tolerance in the process of creating a caring society has been abused to give advantage to those who break the law yet return to seek protection from the same system of justice based on the constitution of the land. Many have been released on bail and returned to destroy evidence by harming or intimidating witnesses.

I invite the business community to continue to work with the provincial in the fight against crime. Business often is the first target of criminals and working together will assist in their long term protection. Your access to resources as the business community may prove to be a huge source of empowerment to many groupings that need to be empowered for them to make an impact in the fight.

New MEC for Education – Mbali Frazer

The new MEC for Education is Mbali Frazer. She will be visiting schools to assess their performance and to meet with learners and teachers. She will meet with organized labour, school principals, school governing bodies and communities.

We must reach a point where we all agree that education of our children is sacrosanct and thus nothing should be allowed to get between learners and quality education. We must all mobilize for the agreed set of basic non-negotiables: teacher in school in class on time teaching and the learner to be in class on time learning and respecting the teacher.

Effective education requires a dedicated professional community of educators. This entails a re-conception of what it means to be an educator and a massive investment in teacher development.

The economic competiveness of the country is measured not only by the aggregate skills of the workforce, but – perhaps more importantly, by the flexibility and capacity of the workforce to adjust speedily to the rapid changes to technology and knowledge production.

As a vibrant and young person, the MEC will ensure that educators are developed as facilitators of knowledge and as managers of innovation. This is what is required to drive the economy. We are also emphasizing the importance of the attitude of teachers:

The attitude of the teacher towards the school;

The attitude of the teacher towards the leaner;

The new MEC for Sports, Arts and Culture is Amanda Mapena

She will champion all programmes that will promote our diversity and different cultures. Unity can be achieved if we celebrate together national days such as Diwali, Rosh Hashan, Eid, Heritage Day, Shaka Day and many other days of importance in our lives.

We must demonstrate that we are indeed proud sons and daughters of a united KwaZulu-Natal. The MEC will roll-out programmes that will unlock the potential of our artists, athletes and soccer players throughout the corners of this province.

Over the years, as the people of KZN we have hosted international sporting and business conferences to the amazement of the world. We have produced athletes and artists that are respected the world over because of their amazing talent.

These successes have convinced me that the future of this province is very bright.

The MEC will ensure that we use our artists and sporting men and women to project a good image of this province.

Members of the media and viewers at home – KwaZulu-Natal Province has come a long way. It was unimaginable 28 years ago that one day the people of KZN would witness such smooth transition.

Once again, we want to thank former Premiers – especially Sihle Zikalala, outgoing MECs and categories of staff, past and present, across all government departments for their loyalty to the government of the day. . I salute them for their contribution in creating a stronger province, socially and economically.

We wish to acknowledge that they have been part of the smooth transition from the old executive council to the new executive council. As the new executive, we count on them for ongoing support as we usher in a new era in this province.

We will do our utmost best to ensure that civil servants remain motivated. We appreciate them as engines of change central in our efforts aimed at ensuring solid service delivery.

It is important to emphasize that we will build on the solid foundations already laid by our predecessors and we will put greater efforts in implementing what we have agreed to do in delivering our electoral mandate.

Once again, I thank you for attending.

Source: Government of South Africa

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