Premier Chupu Mathabatha congratulates Prof Tshilidzi Marwala on his appointment as United Nations University Rector Designate

The Premier of Limpopo Mr. Chupu Stanley Mathabatha has joined the international community in congratulating Prof Tshilidzi Marwala on his appointment as the Rector Designate of the United Nations University based in Japan. The United Nations announced this week that Prof Marwala will take up his new position with effect from 01 March 2023. Prof Marwala is currently the Vice-Chancellor and Principal of the University of Johannesburg.

“We congratulate Prof Marwala on this outstanding recognition and imminent appointment. This appointment has a special place in our hearts as people of Limpopo, especially those learners who are in rural schools in our province who look up to him as a beacon of hope. Having matriculated from the educationally decorated Mbilwi High School, his ascendence to this influential position speaks volume to such young learners; that they too have an opportunity to gain influence when they work hard and set their mind to it,” said Premier Mathabatha.

Premier Mathabatha has hailed Professor Marwala as one of the leading thinkers in the 4IR field. In one of his articles published recently, Professor Marwala said: “All aspects of society must be prepared to re-skill and to approach skilling as a continuous process. Our education system at all levels must promote problem solving skills, computerizational thinking, inter-disciplinarian skills and mastering the social economic and political world”.

It is against Prof Marwala’s achievements and other considerations that Premier Mathabatha further wished him success at his new position. Premier Mathabatha concluded that he has no doubt that Prof Marwala will shine in his new role as he has ably demonstrated throughout his career leading national institutions in South Africa.

Source: Government of South Africa