Police sergeant apprehended in connection with housebreaking and theft of motor vehicle remanded in police custody

A 39-year-old Police Sergeant arrested in connection with a housebreaking and theft of a motor vehicle have appeared before the Thabazimbi Magistrate Court on Thursday 14 September 2023.

William Rachuene was remanded in police custody and his case was postponed until next week Wednesday 20 September 2023 for formal bail application.

The suspect who is stationed at Thabazimbi SAPS was arrested on Wednesday 13 September 2023 while at the workplace by the members of the Provincial Anti-Corruption Unit, Thabazimbi Crime Intelligence and Tactical Response Team (TRT).

Police received a complaint about a house that was broken into after the owner departed to Mozambique on 26 February 2023. Upon return, the owner discovered that a Toyota Corolla motor vehicle that was parked inside the garage was stripped off the parts and a white Toyota Legend 45 bakkie stolen from the premise.

A case of house breaking and theft of a motor vehicle was opened at Thabazimbi Police Station and led to the arrest of two suspects who were found in possession of an engine and gearbox of the Toyota Legend Bakkie on March 2023.

Further Police investigations were conducted and positively linked a 39-year-old police Sergeant after it was revealed that he sold the engine and gearbox of the Toyota Legend 45 bakkie.

The bakkie was never recovered and a warrant of arrest was issued against the member resulting to a joint operation conducted for his apprehension while at work.

The Provincial Commissioner of the South African Police Service in Limpopo Lieutenant General Thembi Hadebe welcomed the arrest and further reiterated that SAPS is not the home for members who find themselves on the other side of the law. “Let the member has his day in Court to answer for the charges” Concluded Lieutenant General Thembi Hadebe

Police investigations are continuing.

Source: South Africa Police Service