Patriotic support fund and situation in Gabon, in the columns of Burkinabè newspapers

Burkinabè newspapers this Tuesday continue to comment on the post-putsch situation in Gabon, without forgetting the national news marked by the fight against terrorism, in particular, the point relating to the support fund patriotic.

“Patriotic Support Fund: Nearly 35 billion collected by August 31, 2023”, headlines the private newspaper Le Quotidien which reports that the orientation council of the Patriotic Support Fund (FSP) held, yesterday Monday in Ouagadougou, its 3rd ordinary session.

For their part, the private daily newspapers Le Pays and Today in Faso speak of “more than 34 billion CFA francs mobilized”.

On this subject, the national daily Sidwaya reports that the minister in charge of the economy, Dr Aboubacar Nacanabo, also vice-president of the orientation council, maintained that “the FSP is a real alternative solution for mobilizing resources to support the efforts made by the State in general.

L’Observateur Paalga, the dean of private daily newspapers in Burkina, reads on its front page: “Patriotic support fund: Nearly 35 billion mobilized and more than 20 (billion CFA francs, editor’s note) spent.”

Indeed, according to the newspaper, it appears that as of August 31, 2023, 34,980,743,686 FCFA were mobilized for the benefit of the FSP with more than 30 billion CFA francs already collected.

“Of these resources, more than 20 billion were used for staff expenses but also for the acquisition of equipment/fuel,” relates the dean of Burkinabe private daily newspapers.

Internationally, L’Observateur Paalga, through its ”Look at current events”, looks back on the swearing in, yesterday Monday, of the president of the transition in Gabon, Brice Oligui Nguema, four days after the coup. State which overthrew President Ali Bongo.

In this regard, L’Express du Faso, a private daily published in Bobo-Dioulasso, displays: “Gabon, Brice Nguema has +constitutionally+ taken his thing”.

Le Pays, in its ”Internal Dialogue”, asks itself the following question: “will General Brice Oligui Nguema make the Cassandras lie?” “.

The newspaper understands that “the military officer (General Nguema, Editor’s note) always wanted to give proof of the desire to establish new governance in his country.”

All things considered, the editorialist of Le Pays believes that “the General-President will be expected to back the wall of his promises by his compatriots”.

In the same vein, the national daily Sidwaya points out that “many hopes rest on the shoulders of General Nguema who will have to keep his word so as not to add to the suffering of the Gabonese people”.

He notes that since the coup d’état of August 30, 2023 which brought Brigadier General Brice Oligui Nguema, 48, to power, opinions have been divided on the question of whether this is really the man he must ?

Meanwhile, Today in Faso observes that there is “a touch of sincerity” in President Nguema’s speech, but hastens to add: “now get to work, my general!”

Source: Burkina Information Agency