Paramount Chief of Amugo-Vego visits Anyako-Konu citizens in Western Region

Torgbui Tenge Dzokoto Gligui VII, Chief of Anyako-Konu and the Paramount Chief of Amugo-Vego Traditional area in the Volta Region, has visited his clansmen in the Western Region.
The visit by the Paramount Chief forms part of programmes and activities drawn to engage all citizens abroad, sell the new development vision of the Anyako-Konu area to them and have their support to accelerate development in the area.
Torgbui Gligui, addressing the clansmen at a colourful ceremony in Takoradi over the weekend, said, ‘we believe in engaging and problem-solving approach to maintaining law and order for development.’
He said the redevelopment of the Anyako-Konu into a modern township remained a prior vision since ascending the thrown to attract citizens of the area back home.
‘We have started with drawings and approval processes…our economic basis for all this is tourism…we have a lot of water that we must take advantage of to grow our local economy,’ the Chief added.
He was grateful to the leadership of the Union in the Western Region for mobilising themselves into a dynamic group to stimulate investment and growth back in their hometown.
The Paramount Chief reported on the urgent steps being taken to solve the potable water situation in the area.
Lawyer Seth Awuku, the Acting Director of the Animens Hotel in Takoradi and a member of the Anyako-Konu group in Takoradi, praised the leadership approach of the new Paramount Chief, describing him as one willing to consult, learn from others and an engaging approach to governing.
He encouraged people from the area to support the Chief to unearth all his development aspirations.

Source: Ghanal News Agency

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