Ouagadougou Reports Customs and Traditions Day to Foster Cultural Values in Burkina Faso

Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso – Rimtalba Jean Emmanuel Ouédraogo, the Minister of State and Minister of Communication, Culture, Arts and Tourism, emphasized the significance of May 15 as a day for Burkina Faso to reconnect with its cultural roots. On Monday, Ouédraogo spoke in Ouagadougou at the opening of a conference that set the stage for the upcoming Day of Customs and Traditions, scheduled for May 15, 2024.

According to Burkina Information Agency, the event is a crucial moment for engaging with the nation’s history and its fundamental values through the interaction with ancestors via religions, traditional beliefs, and diverse cultural practices. He outlined that the Day of Customs and Traditions (CTD) serves not only as a celebration but also as a vital initiative for the preservation and promotion of cultural events in Burkina Faso. The outcomes of this conference, Ouédraogo added, are expected to play a significant role in the social development of the country.

The institution of this day aligns with the governance vision of President of the Transition, Captain Ibrahim Traoré, and represents a significant effort to reinforce the country’s cultural sovereignty and rebirth. Discussions during the event will focus on various themes aimed at reviving and enhancing Burkina Faso’s cultural practices.

Ouédraogo also noted the strong mobilization of influential figures at the conference, predicting that their contributions will guide future cultural policies. He expressed his hopes for the activities to proceed smoothly to yield fruitful outcomes.

To further highlight the importance of this initiative, an introductory presentation titled “Why the Institution of a Day of Customs and Traditions in Burkina Faso” will be given by Maître Titinga Pacéré, a prominent cultural figure.

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