Ouagadougou Police Lieutenant Unveils Short Story Collection on Social Issues

Ouagadougou — In an intriguing blend of literature and law enforcement, Police Lieutenant Jean-Baptiste Oulon has authored and launched his inaugural collection of short stories titled “Le Courier” in Ouagadougou, aiming to illuminate and offer solutions to the challenges facing Burkinabè society.

According to Burkina Information Agency, “Le Courier” delves into the “wounds” afflicting the society of Burkina Faso, tackling contemporary topics that range from romantic relationships and gold panning to the broader concept of adventure and ambition. Lieutenant Oulon reflects on these themes, particularly the notion of adventure, suggesting that the energy expended in migrating to the West could be redirected to cultivate local lands and improve living conditions in their homeland.

In the narrative titled “Premonitory Dream,” Oulon critically examines the disconnect some individuals have with their immediate surroundings, while seemingly understanding broader issues elsewhere. He questions, “How can you control what happens elsewhere when, with the little power you have been given, you cannot control that?”

The collection also ventures into more sensitive terrain, addressing the lives of talibés—students in traditional schools often leading to paths of juvenile delinquency. Drawing from his professional encounters and real-life testimonies, Oulon crafts stories that are not strictly autobiographical but rather influenced by the realities narrated to him, which he felt were important to document for the benefit of others.

Balancing a demanding career with his passion for writing, Oulon has managed to carve out time within his limited schedule to pursue what he deems necessary. “Le Courier” spans 86 pages and is comprised of five short stories. The book is available for purchase at the national police academy for 3500 FCFA.

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