Ouagadougou Association Leads Cleanup at Security Forces’ Camp to Support Anti-Terrorism Efforts

OUAGADOUGOU – In a significant gesture towards bolstering the fight against terrorism in Burkina Faso, the ‘zero drop of blood on the road’ association undertook a cleanup operation at the premises of the Group of Republican Security Companies (GCRS) in Ouagadougou on Saturday. This initiative was part of the association’s commitment to supporting the Defense and Security Forces (FDS) of Burkina Faso, who are actively engaged in reclaiming national territories from terrorist groups.

According to Burkina Information Agency, the president of the ‘zero drop of blood on the road’ association, the cleanup was essential as the FDS personnel are constantly deployed on missions and lack the time to maintain their facilities. The event, which took place in the Wayalghin neighborhood (district 10) of Ouagadougou, saw volunteers from the association and other partnering groups, alongside FDS members, clearing grass and rubbish from the GCRS camp using rakes, machetes, shovels, and wheelbarrows. Koudougou emphasized that the initiative reflects the association’s broader objective of promoting responsible citizenship and safer road traffic practices within the country.

Furthermore, the association announced its plans to distribute 50 helmets, including 25 specifically designed for children, to the widows and orphans of FDS personnel. This gesture is supported by the Helmet Palace, aiming to encourage the beneficiaries to adhere to road safety measures, especially the mandatory wearing of helmets. Henri Kounkorgo, CEO of the Palace of Helmets, expressed his organization’s support for the cause, donating helmets valued at 500 thousand FCFA.

The cleanup day received commendation from the GCRS’s representative in Ouagadougou, Police Captain Placide Dambré, who expressed gratitude towards the association for their efforts in maintaining cleanliness at the camp. The initiative aligns with the government’s efforts to enhance citizen safety against traffic accidents, as highlighted by the chief police commissioner and spokesperson for the beneficiaries, Lamissa Bonko.

Established on June 21, 2020, the ‘zero drop of blood on the road’ association has garnered over 2,000 active members dedicated to fostering responsible citizenship and improving road safety. Prior to the cleanup activity, the association also organized a cross-country running session followed by aerobics for its members and plans to extend similar cleanup operations to other military and gendarmerie barracks in Ouagadougou in the coming March.