Orodara: The secretary general of the province of Kénédougou Bassama Ko chairs the ceremony of raising colors

The secretary general of the province of Kénédougou Bassama Ko chaired on the morning of Monday, August 7, 2023, the ceremony of raising the national colors in the enclosure of the health district of Orodara.

On the occasion of the ceremony of raising the national colors, the Doctor of the health district of Orodara Dr Ghislain Bouda was delighted with the choice of his service to host this solemn ceremony full of meaning, especially in these times of insecurity which run in our country.

According to him, the rise of colors is a moment for each Burkinabè citizen to express his feelings of belonging to the motherland which is Burkina Faso.

He thanked the first official of the province of Kénédougou in this case the High Commissioner for all the support to the health system through the health district of Orodara.

On behalf of the High Commissioner who was unable to attend, the Secretary General of the province of Kénédougou Bassama Ko thanked and congratulated the Chief Medical Officer and his team for the welcome and the strong mobilization around this activity.

Furthermore, he recalled the importance of the flag for a country. According to Mr. Ko, the national colors are of paramount importance and are characterized by three essential elements, namely sovereignty, the presence of the state on a territory and the feeling of pride in belonging to a nation. To do this, he invited everyone to respect the national colors.

Source: Burkina Information Agency

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