Orodara: Closing of school activities 2022-2023 at the Maison de l’Enfance André Dupont

The Maison de l’Enfance André Dupont de Orodara (MEADO) officially closed on Friday, July 7, 2023, its school activities. The closing ceremony was chaired by the High Commissioner of the province of Kénédougou Saïdou Sakira.

The celebration of academic excellence is a tradition at the Maison de l’Enfance André Dupont de Orodara (MEADO). This year, the event is placed under the theme: << Contribution of MEADO to the prevention of the recruitment of children and young people in armed groups and to the care of those victims of terrorism>>.

A topical theme that has been hailed at its fair value by all those who have succeeded in the forum. According to the Director General of MEADO, Ali Koné, this ceremony is an opportunity for its structure to take a look back at the activities of the past school year but also and above all to magnify excellence at school.

For the 2022-2023 school year, MEADO has made achievements in various sectors of intervention. But specifically at the level of schooling.

He informed that the rate of passage to the next class is 96.50% and out of 61 students presented to the vine session of 2023, all were admitted, i.e. a success rate of 100%.

For Ali Koné, the results achieved are the result of teamwork. Thus, he reiterated his congratulations to his colleagues and encouraged them to continue in this direction in the quest for excellence.

The Godfather Drissa Barro was delighted to have been associated with this ceremony and said his availability to accompany the MEADO in the accomplishment of its noble mission.

In view of the good results achieved, the High Commissioner of the province of Kénédougou urged MEADO staff to work harder, actively and proactively to contribute their constructive part in order to make children and young people responsible and responsible men. productive.

At the end of the ceremony, the best students and learners from the different sections saw their efforts rewarded by the general management of MEADO with the award ceremony.

Letters of congratulations and certificates of recognition were also awarded to certain agents and to the sponsor.

Source: Burkina Information Agency

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