
Ogiek and Endorois Communities March in Protest Over Land Rights Issues

NAIROBI — The Ogiek and Endorois communities, in a show of solidarity with members of the Economic, Social, and Cultural Rights Network (ESCR-Net), staged a peaceful procession in Nairobi to protest against the infringement of their land rights. The demonstrators aimed to present a call-to-action letter to the office of the Attorney General, urging the government to act on the Commission and Court’s decisions regarding their ancestral lands, which have been subject to forced evictions and destruction.

According to Kenya News Agency, the march was a response to the government’s failure to honor its commitments and the recent actions involving the torching of homes and sluggish legal processes. The communities have been vocal about their plight, demanding restitution and the fulfillment of promises made to them. Despite a visit from the National Land Commission, which initially seemed promising, the Ogiek community expressed disillusionment upon being wrongfully accused of encroaching upon and damaging the Mau Forest.

The protest also highlighted concerns over carbon grading, an issue the communities believe might be driving the evictions. They called on the government to provide education on this matter to ensure a comprehensive understanding among all stakeholders. Additionally, the communities lamented the lack of basic amenities, reporting that schools have been destroyed and healthcare facilities lack the necessary equipment and specialists.

A representative from Sheria House addressed the demonstrators, assuring them that their grievances would be dealt with promptly. The Ogiek and Endorois communities remain hopeful for a resolution that acknowledges their rights and facilitates the return to their ancestral lands with access to essential services restored.

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