National School of Government signs agreements with Higher Education Institutions to expand learning opportunities for public servants, 3 Jun


The NSG signs agreements with Higher Education Institutions to expand learning opportunities for public servants
Today, Thursday 3 June 2021, the National School of Government (NSG) is hosting ten South African Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) for a signing ceremony to formalise partnerships to accelerate the delivery of education, training and development programmes aimed at expanding the skills base of the public sector.
These five-year partnership agreements are being signed by the Principal of the National School of Government, Busani Ngcaweni, with senior executives of the ten institutions.
Through an open bid process, the NSG in 2020 issued a call for partnership with Higher Education Institutions to perform various Education, Training and Development functions. Following a rigorous process, ten institutions were successful based on the set criteria and will be appointed from time to time for specific projects.
The partnership comes at a befitting time for the NSG as the Minister for Public Service and Administration in February 2021 released the draft National Implementation Framework towards the Professionalisation of the Public Service for public comment. The framework is in line with the commitment made by the sixth administration to create a capable, ethical and developmental public service.
The ten Higher Education Institutions selected to partner with the NSG are:
• Fort Hare University
• Nelson Mandela University
• University of Pretoria
• Tshwane University of Technology
• University of Johannesburg
• Rhodes Business School
• North West University
• Durban University of technology
• Stellenbosch University
• Free State University
Key deliverables of this partnership involves the development and review of curriculum in various areas related to public sector performance and development, quality assurance and joint certification of programmes, co-developed and delivery of NSG programmes using the HEI’s human resources/expertise, provide expert input in various education and training areas of relevant fields and subject-matters, undertake research projects with the NSG as well as the provision of coaching and mentoring services to various levels of public sector officials.
The partnership with the Higher Learning Institutions enables the NSG to provide the programmes throughout the country which expands the scope of professional development for public sector employees and leaders. In selected cases, the programme will help participants with the recognition of prior learning whilst also opening opportunities for further study in relevant fields. Eventually, it is the people of South Africa that should benefit from this intervention as they will be served by skilled, effective, efficient, ethical and professional public servants committed to improving the well-being of society.
Public servants, members of the executive, SoEs employees, members of legislatures, councillors and employees of all organs of state will be eligible for enrol for programmes delivered through this partnership on a cost recovery basis. This is not a public bursary scheme.
Building a meritocratic and corruption-free civil service capable of building compacts and managing resources prudently is a national effort requiring all hands on deck.

Source: Government of South Africa


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