Nandi Senator Proposes Centralization of Bursary Disbursement for TransparencyThika Chief Magistrate Honored by Community for Judicial ExcellenceLitein AIC Church Marks Centennial Anniversary with Calls for Development Focus

NANDI — In an effort to enhance equity and transparency in the distribution of educational funds, Nandi Senator Samson Cherargei has advocated for the centralization of bursary disbursements. This call comes in response to the challenges faced by vulnerable families whose children have been unable to attend school due to financial constraints, despite the availability of funds from multiple sources.

According to Kenya News Agency, who spoke during a consultative meeting on the status of devolution in Nandi County at the University of Eastern Africa, Baraton, the current system of distributing bursaries through county bursaries, the National Government Constituencies Development Fund (NG-CDF), and the Ministry of Education has led to inefficiencies and lack of access for deserving students. He announced plans to introduce legislation aimed at harmonizing these bursary schemes to ensure a more equitable and transparent process.

Highlighting the urgency of reform, Cherargei criticized the current state of affairs where children’s education depends on charitable donations and fundraising efforts. He emphasized the need for a streamlined process that consolidates all bursary funds, making it easier for parents to secure financial assistance without navigating through multiple offices.

Furthermore, the senator expressed support for the Ministry of Education’s initiative to centralize school fee payments for students in national schools through the e-Citizen platform. He argued that this system would curb corruption by eliminating unauthorized charges levied by some institutions and ensuring greater accountability and transparency in financial transactions related to education.

The government has indicated that the Directorate of e-Citizen has developed a payment collection mechanism that is both convenient and transparent, allowing school principals to promptly access the funds. The rollout of this new payment system will commence with national schools before expanding to extra county and county schools, ensuring a phased implementation for smooth integration.

THIKA, Kenya — In a heartwarming display of appreciation, Chief Magistrate Stella Atambo of the Thika law courts was greeted with unexpected songs, dances, and a bouquet of flowers from local residents and artists, including renowned actress Sue Kimani aka ‘Waitherero’. The group, numbering over twenty, celebrated Atambo for her unwavering dedication and legal expertise, which have significantly benefited the community.

According to Kenya News Agency, Atambo’s impartial rulings and guidance have led to considerable improvements in the delivery of legal services at the Thika Court during her tenure.

The surprise celebration caught Atambo off guard as she arrived for court sessions, leading to an emotional moment as the dancing youths escorted her to her office. Sue Kimani praised the magistrate for her stringent but fair approach in the courtroom, highlighting her role in promoting alternative dispute resolution mechanisms that have positively impacted litigants.

Among the attendees was the daughter of the late former Juja billionaire Christopher Mbote, who was involved in a landmark case presided over by Atambo. The magistrate’s solomonic ruling on the burial site dispute between Mbote’s two wives, suggesting the deceased be buried at the boundary between the houses of the two wives, ended a potentially protracted legal battle.

Atambo’s tenure has seen notable advancements in court operations, particularly in cases involving minors and the establishment of a small claims court. Additionally, her efforts in the implementation of the e-filing digital platform and the push for the establishment of a High Court registry in Thika have been instrumental in enhancing the court’s functionality.

The tribute, set against the backdrop of the month of love, was aimed at acknowledging Atambo’s efforts in streamlining court operations and her role in reconciling feuding families and ensuring justice for minors. Atambo expressed her gratitude for the recognition, attributing the court’s successes to teamwork and collaboration with court users and other stakeholders.

This gesture of appreciation underscores the community’s recognition of Atambo’s contributions to the judicial system in Thika, marking her as a distinguished figure in the Law Society of Kenya, Nairobi Chapter, for her transformative impact on one of Kiambu County’s busiest courts.

BURETI, KERICHO COUNTY — During the 100th anniversary celebrations of Litein AIC Church, leaders from the South Rift region called for a shift away from political rhetoric towards development, education, and the welfare of citizens. The event, held in Bureti, Kericho County, saw participation from Kericho Senator Aaron Cheruiyot, Emurua Dikir Legislator Johana Ngeno, and Kericho Governor Dr. Erick Mutai, who collectively emphasized the need for political leaders to fulfill their electoral promises rather than engage in continuous politicking.

According to Kenya News Agency, the recent conclusion of political campaigns signifies a period where leaders should focus on delivering on their commitments to the electorate. Cheruiyot, who also serves as the majority leader in the Senate, highlighted the disrespect inherent in dwelling on political maneuvering at the expense of tangible development.

Legislator Ngeno echoed this sentiment, calling for unity among area leaders to address the needs of the residents. The leaders specifically praised the affordable housing program, questioning the opposition’s stance against a proposal they deemed beneficial to the citizens and consistent with their own campaign promises. Plans were announced to extend the housing initiative to include Litein and Kapkatet urban centers, with a public participation forum scheduled for later in the month in Litein center.

During his sermon, AIC Bishop Paul Kirui urged the congregation to embody generosity towards the less fortunate as a path to blessings. He also paid tribute to the missionaries and local African inland missionaries who founded the Litein AIC Church in the early 1920s, including Andrew Malta Anderson and his wife Vivian Etta, Erick Barnet, and Peter Makalam, along with local preachers Mariko Chepotalai and Amos Chemongira. Anderson, one of the pioneering missionaries, is buried at the Litein primary school grounds.

In line with the centennial celebration, Senator Cheruiyot and Governor Mutai announced plans to organize a significant fundraiser aimed at constructing a larger, more modern church building, signaling a commitment to both the spiritual and infrastructural growth of the community.

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