
Nairobi Advocacy Group Calls for Reallocated Budgets to Support Essential Workers

NAIROBI—The Public Service Governance (PSG) is calling on the government to reassess its fiscal priorities, emphasizing enhanced support for health, education, and transport sectors during a press conference held in a Nairobi hotel. PSG President Ambassador Esther Waringa highlighted the disparity in funding between critical public services and political salaries, advocating for a reallocation of resources to address this imbalance.

According to Kenya News Agency, the current allocation of government funds heavily favors the political class at the expense of vital public service workers such as doctors, teachers, and agricultural professionals. She argued that the proposed reinstatement of Chief Administrative Secretary (CAS) positions contradicts efforts toward fiscal responsibility and urged the government to channel these funds into strengthening Kenya’s healthcare, education, and transport infrastructure instead.

Waringa also addressed the need for stricter enforcement of transport regulations, referencing the Michuki rules as a framework for improving road safety and reducing corruption within the sector. She called on the National Transport and Safety Authority (NTSA) to intensify its efforts against common violations like overloading, overspeeding, and bribery in public transportation.

The PSG President expressed concern over the government’s transparency in its use of taxpayer money, pointing to recent strikes and unrest among healthcare and education professionals as symptoms of broader governance issues. She insisted that public service workers should be the primary beneficiaries of government spending, emphasizing their critical role in national development.

Despite her criticisms, Waringa acknowledged positive steps taken by the Office of the Deputy President in addressing substance abuse and unregulated alcohol establishments, suggesting that similar decisive actions are needed across all sectors of public service.

The PSG’s call to action underscores a growing demand for government accountability and a reevaluation of spending priorities to ensure that essential workers receive the support and remuneration they deserve.

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