Minister of Foreign Affairs Nikos Dendias’ speech at the ceremony awarding him honorary citizenship of Alexandroupolis (Alexandroupolis, 10.12.2021)


Your Eminence,
Dear Reverend,
Your Eminences,
My dear colleagues in Parliament,
Mr. Deputy Regional Governor,
Mr. Mayor,
Mr. Chairman,
Dear Councilors,
Ladies and gentlemen,

Indeed, I was here in your city two years ago, for the first time in my capacity as Minister of Foreign Affairs. As the Mayor had the kindness to remind us, I came to present the book of your fellow citizen, Mr. Tsintarakis, on the city, on February 26, 2020.

The Mayor was kind enough to recall that I considered, and I still consider myself an adequate observer. But none of us at that meeting could have foreseen that shortly afterwards, about two days later, a new hybrid threat would have been launched against our homeland, our birthplace, but also against Europe itself. And this hybrid threat – and I am referring to the use of the migrant-refugee issue as a tool for the destabilization of Greece and Europe – ended up highlighting Evros, Alexandroupolis, Thrace, as a model of European solidarity and unity and a model of resistance against a new generation of hybrid threats that has found imitators in other countries in the periphery of Europe.

At that time, Thrace, Evros, Alexandroupolis were not intimidated, but instead demonstrated what is obvious, that Europe starts here; that here begins an area of rule of law, democracy, solidarity, protection of human rights, protection of the idea and the dignity of Μan; and our country, our society, the political parties, the government of Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis have no intention of putting these fundamental principles on the negotiating table.

In my speech at the time, which I have kept, I spoke about the farthest reach of Europe, about the particular sense of belonging to this widest reach, of belonging here; because here, at the furthest reach, at the border, feelings are stronger, clearer. It is on the streets of this beautiful city that one realizes this very clearly. One senses the vitality, the undeniable momentum, the open future. Everyone knows and everyone can see the ingredients that make up this wonderful city: the sea, the broad perception, the thirst for freedom, the pursuit of innovation for society, the ability to connect.

Therefore, I have the great pleasure and the great honour, Mr. Mayor, to be here today, to reiterate what I deeply believe: that your city – allow me to call it our city from now on – has a bright future. It converses with the wider region, with the main roads, the maritime routes, the energy interconnections, but it also converses with history. It incorporates its glorious past, it moves towards a brighter future.

Mr. Mayor, I sincerely hope that what is happening in Alexandroupolis today is in fact a projection of the future of our country; a homeland that strives for peace with everybody, understanding with all, mutual understanding, but on a clear, distinct, distinguished, specific framework. Namely, the framework of International Law, the framework of the International Law of the Sea, the framework of democracy, of the protection of human rights.

And last night I had the great pleasure and the great honour, precisely on the eve of the day we celebrate the protection of human rights, this key element of human dignity, this great conquest of the human race, to meet with Thrace’s four Archbishops and three locum tenens Muftis and to have dinner together and to agree, sitting at the same table, on our shared path towards the future; on the ability to coexist in peace, with love, with mutual understanding, and to jointly build a future for this magnificent place.

I am, ladies and gentlemen, deeply moved, not conventionally but in all honesty, that you have allowed me, Mr. Mayor and Mr. Chairman, by decision of the Municipal Council, to feel part of this bright future.

I am deeply convinced, I confirmed it a short while ago when I visited the port of Alexandroupolis, I saw that what I dreamed of in 2019, when I signed the first Defence Agreement with our great transatlantic friend and power, the USA, has become a reality. I saw the three major pillars of this project being realized. The defence, trade, and energy aspects together, being realized maybe much sooner than many would have predicted.

Therefore, I’m a happy man, because I have to tell you that usually in politics, dreams mature quite slowly; no one manages to see them being fulfilled. I conclude by thanking you, my dear fellow citizens, for the great honour. Thank you so much.