Minister of Communication Honors 44 Retiring Employees in Ouagadougou

Ouagadougou – In a solemn ceremony held in Ouagadougou, the Minister of State and Minister of Communication, Culture, Arts, and Tourism (MCCAT), Jean Emmanuel Ouédraogo, paid homage to 44 employees from his department who were admitted to retirement in 2023. The event, conducted on Friday, served as a platform to acknowledge the contributions of these long-serving agents. According to Minister Jean Emmanuel Ouédraogo, the dedication and work of these individuals throughout their careers have been instrumental in enhancing the department’s impact and reach.

According to Burkina Information Agency, During the ceremony, the Minister expressed his gratitude towards the retiring employees, acknowledging their significant role in the department’s success over the years. He extended his best wishes for a happy retirement, encouraging them to pursue personal passions and projects. Highlighting the ceremony, journalist Adama Laguempidou from RTB des Hauts-Bassins expressed his happiness at having his efforts recognized by the supervisory ministry after many years of service. He reflected on the significance of the recognition, emphasizing its validation of the retirees’ contributions to the nation of Burkina Faso.

Lamoussa Robgo, another retiree from the National Radio of Burkina, shared his satisfaction with the tribute ceremony. He spoke of his gratitude for the acknowledgment of his on-the-ground work and expressed contentment over his 32-year career in the communications department, which he said allowed him to gain extensive experience. The ceremony concluded with the presentation of certificates of recognition and gifts to the retiring officers, marking their transition into retirement.

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