KAVANGO WEST — A man was arrested in Rupara village on Tuesday, accused of raping his 16-year-old daughter at their home in Naucova village, as per the Namibian Police Force’s recent crime report. The arrest followed a formal rape charge filed against him on Monday.
According to Namibia Press Agency, the minor alleged that her biological father had subjected her to repeated assaults over a period. The suspect purportedly attempted to flee to Angola but was apprehended in Rupara village before he could cross the border. He is scheduled for his initial court appearance at the Kahenge Magistrate’s Court on Wednesday.
In a separate case, the police reported the arrest of a 33-year-old man in Marema village, also in Kavango West, for the theft and slaughter of his neighbor’s goats. Allegations suggest the man had stolen a total of 16 goats since last year. Police investigations into both incidents are ongoing.