Koumbia Community Leaders Pledge to Promote Social Cohesion and Peace.


Tuy: The people of Koumbia are committed to promoting social cohesion and living together The president of the special communal delegation of Koumbia, Boukary Zono, chaired an advocacy meeting on the promotion of social cohesion and living together, on Monday, November 25, 2024. On this occasion, the participants committed to strengthening social cohesion and living together in their respective localities.

According to Burkina Information Agency, the commitment was made during an advocacy meeting on social cohesion and living together, which brought together traditional leaders, religious leaders, administrative officials, Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs), representatives of host communities, and leaders of women’s and youth organizations, as well as resource persons from the commune. The meeting aimed to raise awareness about the roles of these stakeholders in fostering social cohesion and peace.

The discussions during the meeting shed light on the challenges hindering social cohesion and living togethe
r in the localities. Issues such as the erosion of traditional social values due to political influences, religious intolerance, diminishing authority and respect for village chiefs, and a breakdown in communication between village leaders and residents were identified as significant barriers.

Community leaders emphasized the necessity of this meeting, given the impact of the security situation in certain areas of the commune. Boyoun Bognini, a resource person, stated that the initiative was timely, providing an opportunity to reinforce communal harmony and peace. Mariam Konaté, a leader of a women’s organization in Makognandougo, vowed to mobilize her group for a genuine restoration of peace and cohesion in her village.

Brama Traoré, the provincial director in charge of Humanitarian Action in Tuy, highlighted the relevance of organizing the campaign to support the return of populations to their localities amid the ongoing territorial reconquest. He praised the participation of village chiefs who committed
to being peace advocates in their areas.

Boukary Zono, the president of the special communal delegation of Koumbia, expressed satisfaction with the meeting’s outcome. He extended gratitude to the provincial directorate in charge of Humanitarian Action for their initiative and acknowledged the financial support from the OKDB project of Tuy, which facilitated the event’s organization.