The official launch ceremony for the deployment of the pilot phase of the Single Social Network (RSU) of poor and vulnerable households in the Center-East and Center-West regions took place on Friday 7 July 2023, in the city of the red rider, Koudougou under the chairmanship of the Minister of Solidarity, Humanitarian Action, National Reconciliation, Family and Gender, Nandy Diallo.
Social protection is close to the heart of the government of Burkina Faso. This is what justifies the review of the national strategy covering the period 2023-2027, which appears as “the salutary way to repair the inadequacies and bridge the social divide by aiming for a qualitative change in the living conditions of the different vulnerable social strata”. .
It is with this in mind that the government adopted on September 30, 2021 a decree on the creation, organization and operation of the Single Social Register (RSU) of households and people in situations of poverty and vulnerability in Burkina Faso.
In implementing the RSU, the government is pursuing two major objectives. On the one hand, to constitute a single secure database on the socio-economic conditions of households and poor and vulnerable people for the implementation of social protection programs.
On the other hand, establish at the request of support structures, lists of potential beneficiaries meeting a set of predefined criteria.
For its operationalization, the actors involved in the construction of the RSU adopted two methodological approaches for targeting poor and vulnerable households and people, namely community targeting in rural areas and counting in urban areas.
The pilot deployment phase undertaken in the Center-West and Center-East regions aims to test the system. This pilot phase covers a total of 58 rural municipalities, including 1,030 villages and 210,440 poor and vulnerable households to be identified, recorded in the RSU database and made available to potential users.
This means that at the end of this pilot phase, lessons will be learned to allow the start of the nationwide phase which will run from 2023 to 2025 with the prospect of registering 1,423,473 poor and vulnerable households.
According to Minister Nandy Somé/Diallo “with regard to the aims, it is clear that the RSU offers us an opportunity to consolidate social protection actions, to establish bridges between different social projects and programs and to increase their impact for the benefit target populations”.
Ms. Somé thanked and expressed her gratitude to all the TFPs, including the World Bank, committed to supporting this process.
Source: Burkina Information Agency