Koubri Community Mobilizes for Free Plowing of Municipal Field

KOUBRI — Residents of Koubri came together on Saturday, August 3, 2024, to engage in a community-driven agricultural initiative, volunteering their time to weed the municipal field in an effort to support local food security.

According to Burkina Information Agency, president of the special delegation in Koubri, this event is part of the presidential initiative for community development and the Agro-Pastoral and Fisheries Offensive. The goal of these efforts is to achieve food security across Burkina Faso. On this particular Saturday, a diverse group of participants including workers from public and private administrations, Village Development Councils, members of youth and women’s associations, citizens’ monitoring actors, and Internally Displaced Persons came together to contribute to this cause.

Gougou emphasized that the weeding activity was not only about agricultural productivity but also served as a vehicle for enhancing social cohesion within the community. He highlighted that such communal labor reflects the principles of mutual aid and solidarity, foundational to the ancestral societies of the region.

This initiative underlines the community’s commitment to the government’s vision and aims to foster a spirit of cooperation and self-help among the residents of Koubri, reinforcing traditional values in a modern context.

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