
Kitale Concerns Rise Over Increasing Number of Street Children

Kitale, Kenya — The growing number of street children in Kitale Town has sparked concern among local stakeholders. During a public address at the Kitale Museum, Kwanza Sub County Deputy Children Officer Wilfred Hazegere called on the Trans Nzoia County Government to establish a children rescue center to mitigate the issue.

According to Kenya News Agency, the current lack of government facilities dedicated to the housing of street children in the area is a significant problem. He emphasized the necessity of a drafted Child Protection Policy by urging Governor George Natembeya to review and implement it to provide potential solutions for these vulnerable youths. Hazegere highlighted the government’s effort to facilitate educational opportunities for street children, including bursaries intended to eliminate school fee barriers. “Education is an equalization factor,” Hazegere stated, pushing for increased access to education as a fundamental right.

Joseph Okumu, Chairperson of the Trans Nzoia Street Children Rehabilitation Consortium, outlined ongoing efforts to reunite street children with their families. Despite these efforts, he acknowledged the recurring challenge of children returning to the streets due to unresolved issues at home. Okumu also addressed the illegal use of street children for labor and trafficking, warning of impending legal repercussions for such violations.

Former street child John Simasi spoke to his peers, urging them to reject substance abuse and seize opportunities for education and reintegration with their families. His personal testimony underscored a message of hope and personal responsibility.

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