Kericho Man Transforms Canine Passion into Thriving Security Dog Business

Kericho, A local resident of Chepkurubet village in Ainamoi sub-county, Kericho, has turned his lifelong love for dogs into a profitable venture by breeding and training German Shepherds for security firms. At 60, Zablon Rotich, who retired this year as an Agricultural Extension Officer, has created a business that not only fulfills his passion but also meets a market need.

According to Kenya News Agency, his fondness for dogs began in his early childhood, but it was the passing of his father in 1991, leaving behind five dogs, that ignited his desire to pursue canine care and training professionally. He recalled an incident where his late father’s dogs displayed profound loyalty, which cemented his commitment to dog care. Rotich’s operations are now conducted from his property, conveniently located along the Kericho-Kisumu highway.

Rotich has concentrated his efforts on the German Shepherd breed, known for their versatility and intelligence. He noted that there are distinct lines within the breed: show and work lines. His interest lies in the work line German Shepherds, which are ideal for personal protection, tracking, retrieval, detection of narcotics, and aiding visually impaired individuals. Recognition of his dogs’ excellence came when one of them secured second place in an East African Kennel Club (EAKC) competition in Nairobi.

The entrepreneur started his endeavor with three dogs in 2016 and has expanded his pack to six mature dogs over seven years. His business model includes leasing these trained dogs to security firms and selling puppies, with a clientele spanning across various Kenyan counties and extending to neighboring countries like Uganda and Tanzania.

Rotich also offers training services for dog owners and security personnel, covering obedience, protection, tracking, and rescue, with fees ranging from Sh15,000 to Sh20,000 per unit. His extensive knowledge in breeding has been augmented by his time at the Department of Agriculture and participation in EAKC competitions, which also helped him build a network within the dog breeding community.

Despite the high costs of maintaining such a business, Rotich creates his own dog food and ensures all his animals are vaccinated against serious contagious diseases. The sale of one German Shepherd puppy is priced at Sh60,000, and he has made notable sales, including to a client from Tanzania for Sh200,000.

Beyond his business, Rotich is a dedicated farmer who manages dairy cows and grows Hass avocados for export. The profits from his canine venture have allowed him to educate his children and nearly complete his family home. He advises aspiring dog breeders to start small and gradually build their enterprise, emphasizing passion as a key ingredient to success.

The establishment of Rotich’s business has, over time, gained acceptance from his community, contributing to local security and demonstrating the potential for turning a personal passion into a viable livelihood.

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