
Kericho Church Marks Anniversary with Free Medical Camp

KERICHO—Immanuel Africa Gospel Church (AGC) Kericho, in collaboration with the Kericho County government, hosted a free medical camp at Matobo Primary School to celebrate the church’s 50th anniversary. The event, dedicated to screening for non-communicable diseases such as hypertension and diabetes, provided services to over 1,000 residents from the area.

According to Kenya News Agency, the county government plans to continue its collaboration with local and neighboring hospitals to focus on preventive healthcare. Bii emphasized the success of the medical camp in gathering valuable health data that will inform future healthcare initiatives in Kericho County. “This forum has provided data and statistics that we shall later analyze to know the cases that are affecting our residents in Kericho County on a day-to-day basis,” she stated.

Rev. Joyce Tonui, Senior Pastor at AGC Kericho, highlighted the dual celebration of the church’s longstanding presence in the community and its commitment to health outreach. “As we celebrate the 50 years, we pray that we will be able to do even more in society,” Rev. Tonui expressed, emphasizing the church’s aim to extend medical support across the community.

The medical camp saw participation from multiple health facilities, including Siloam Hospital, Eldoret Hospital, South Rift Hospital, Bliss Healthcare, Medistar Hospital Kericho, Tenwek Hospital, and Kericho Outpatient Medical Centre. Among the notable cases handled, Dr. Daniel Mwenga from Tenwek Mission Hospital reported a rare instance of a patient who presented with potential dual cancer diagnoses.

Edmund Ruto, an administrator at Medistar Hospital, noted that many attendees diagnosed with diabetes and hypertension had not been adhering to their prescribed medication regimens. Hezbon Ruto, a patient who benefited from the camp, praised AGC for the opportunity to receive necessary medications at no cost.

The event successfully brought together various healthcare providers to deliver essential services, highlighting the church’s significant role in promoting health and wellness in the community as part of its 50-year celebration.

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