Keetmanshoop: Four-Year-Old Girl Allegedly Raped in Aussenkehr


KEETMANSHOOP, Namibia – A case of rape is under investigation by the Namibian Police Force (NamPol) at Aussenkehr farm after a man allegedly raped a four-year-old girl. The incident is reported to have occurred between 10h00 and 14h00 on Friday when the minor visited a neighbor’s house.

According to NAMPA, Deputy Commissioner Nikodemus Mbango, who spoke to Nampa on Sunday, the alleged rape took place while the girl’s mother was at work. The child was left under the care of her mother’s sister. Upon returning from work, the mother noticed the child complaining of pain when using the bathroom.

The child, when questioned by her mother, mentioned a name but was unable to provide further details, Deputy Commissioner Mbango noted. A sexual assault evidence collection kit and a DNA sample were obtained for the victim to potentially identify the suspect from the house where the child was playing.

Mbango further stated that on Saturday, the minor, when asked by the police, said she touched herself with a wire. However, she denied being touched by someone else. Medical examination of the minor confirmed positive results for penetration. It is alleged that the suspect touched and penetrated the victim with an unknown object or body part, causing injuries.

As of now, the police have not arrested the suspect, and investigations are ongoing.

In a separate incident, police at Rosh Pinah arrested a 44-year-old man on Friday. The arrest followed a raid on his house where drugs valued at over N.dollars 18,000 were allegedly found. The arrest occurred around 14h35 in the Tutungeni residential area of the mining town.

Deputy Commissioner Mbango explained that in a joint operation between Oranjemund and Rosh Pinah, operatives searched the house of the suspected drug dealer. They found approximately 16 ballies of cannabis skunk valued at N.dollars 16,500 and five ballies of cannabis seeds valued at N.dollars 1,750. Additionally, N.dollars 6,244 believed to be proceeds from drug sales were confiscated.

Police investigations into all matters are continuing.