Journey of a future leader starts today

Most learners are losing themselves through the abuse of drugs and life threatening activities, and police are aware of such hence they are utilising every resource within their exposure to fight this one step at a time.

As such the Mangaung Social Crime Prevention kicked off Child Protection week with an educational assembly at Lagae Commercial School in Mtjombile street, Bochabela at Bloemfomtein.

The assembly started with school principal Marry Lepheane welcoming everyone present and expressed her gratitude for the efforts of all stakeholders that will do presentations for the benefit of her learners.

Present at the event was Mangaung SAPS members, Hawks, Department of Health, the local Apostle Ndlebendle and the Community in Blue Patrollers from Mangaung vicinity.

Giving the purpose of the day was Sergeant Masetota Tsasanyane whom explained that the main of today’s assembly is to educate and motivate learners to make sound decisions that will lead them into bright futures.

The discussions were centred around teenage pregnancy and use of drugs by learners.

From the HAWKS, Warrant Officer Themba Sphamla presented different kinds of drugs to the learners whilst explaining the negative effects they have on their health, and the risks that come with exposing oneself to an environment where people are using drugs excessively.

He particularly touched on the notorious “Brown sugar” drug that is used to spike people’s drinks in order to get them into an automatism state.

“Automatism is a state whereby a victim physically loses control of his/her body in order for culprits to take control. This may lead to amongst many things, being raped, abducted and even worse, being killed”, said WO Sphamla.

In conclusion Sergeant Ntswaki Phandliwe emphasized to the learners that what has just been presented, was not to encourage learners to go out there and do drugs nor engage in Sexual activities.

“However this was to enable you to identify types of drugs, so that you are not tricked into taking the drugs thinking it was a sweet or something, but to give you knowledge” said Sgt Phandliwe.

The SAPS will stop at nothing to ensure that our youth is safe. It may seem like a long way, but with one learner at a time, the future of our country might lend on the hands of responsible citizens.

Source: South African Police Service

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