Houndé Gold Operation Delivers Over 127 Tonnes of Agricultural Inputs to Local Farmers in Kari

HOUNDÉ – On Friday, May 17, 2024, the Houndé Gold Operation (HGO) mine, a subsidiary of the Endeavor mining group, distributed 127.31 tonnes of agricultural inputs to 271 local farmers in Kari, who have been impacted by the mine’s activities. The event took place in the city of Houndé, located in the Tuy province.

According to Burkina Information Agency, the director of social performance at HGO, this initiative is a part of the Livelihood Restoration Program, which seeks to assist those affected by the mine. The program aims to enhance agricultural productivity and the standard of living for the local communities. The inputs, valued at 82,091,500 CFA francs, included 83.5 tonnes of NPK fertilizers, 29.5 tonnes of urea, and 14.31 tonnes of improved seeds.

The ceremony, marking the handover of these inputs, was overseen by Bassidiki Ouattara, the Secretary General of the Province of Tuy, acting on behalf of the high commissioner. The distribution aligns with the mine’s commitment to support the agricultural season of 2024-2025 effectively. Karafa Bahan, a representative of the beneficiaries, expressed gratitude towards the mine for the support, which is expected to boost production and increase agricultural yields. Furthermore, Souleymane Dianda, President of the special municipal delegation of Houndé and head of the Livelihood Restoration Program Monitoring Committee, highlighted the timely nature of this year’s distribution, which will allow for earlier planting and potentially better yields compared to previous years.

Ouattara praised the initiative for aligning with government efforts to combat food insecurity and encouraged the beneficiaries to use the resources wisely to achieve successful agricultural outcomes.

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