Houet: Young people from the Belleville district clean up their living environment

Young people from the Belleville district of Bobo-Dioulasso organized a health day on Sunday, May 14, 2023, at the abandoned quarry located not far from the Institute of Health Sciences (INSSA), which serves as a household waste dump for residents.

Very early in the morning of Sunday May 14, 2023, young people from Belleville de Bobo-Dioulasso equipped with shovels, brooms, rakes… stormed the old quarry in the district and located not far from the Institute of Sciences of Health (INSSA) which is now used as a household waste dump. Their only objective, to make this place clean.

According to Florian Ludovic Ouédraogo, a resident, this operation called “clean district” of which he is one of the initiators, started from the observation that there was a large pit behind the concessions which is used to pour household waste.

He pointed out that this garbage is set on fire every night. Anything that smokes up residents and can give them illness. Hence the need to carry out this operation.

“We ask residents not to come and dump garbage on the site and to enroll in garbage collection and collection associations,” he said.

Same story for the head of the environment department in arrondissement 7 of Bobo-Dioulasso, Awa Ouédraogo, who invited residents to put their garbage in bags or in containers and to call on collection associations. garbage.

“Measures will soon be taken to prohibit the dumping of rubbish on this site,” she said.

Sounding the same trumpet, the agent at the departmental service of the environment of Bobo-Dioulasso, Mahamadi Bougoum, congratulated and encouraged the young people for this “laudable” initiative, while urging each other to follow in their footsteps.

He also invited the population to stop dumping household waste on the site and to go through the collection services, because all actions pollute the environment.

For his part, the president of the national association of the elderly in district 7, Konaté Lassina, welcomed the initiative of young people.

This is why he undertook to make signs where one could read “it is forbidden to dump garbage here”.

“We invite the inhabitants to put their garbage in the bags or in the barrels and the garbage collection associations will pick it up,” he reiterated.

Mr. Konaté finally called on everyone to educate their neighbor so that Belleville is the cleanest district of Bobo-Dioulasso.

Source: Burkina Information Agency

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